Crickets in Watesumpak Trowulan Livestock
Posted by at 10:14 bisnismojo
Finding the farmer in the village of crickets Watesumpak, District Trowulan, Mojokerto regency, not difficult. Because, many citizens are in the business. One of them is Sharif, 41, a resident Prayan Hamlet, Village Watesumpak.
MY''had eight years to the farmers of crickets. If people here are called farmers,''Sharif said while showing a large box where the crickets lay their eggs. Wearing a white T-shirts, Sharif called Ceples familiar is trying to sort crickets-crickets.
Usually sold''like this, not out of its wings. If that had gone out, had not. Only generated,''he said.
While holding the syringe, he moistened sand in a box of crickets. Sand is placed in a plastic bucket into a medium crickets lay their eggs. ''If it was laying eggs, eggs on moving here,''said Sharif shows other boxes.
In the box, almost invisible crickets. Only small granules yellow. From eggs, crickets can be sold in the market after age enough. Obviously still under 30 days. Because, if 30 days had gone out to the wings. The market''has not come,''he said.
Although side, fulfilling the needs of many households Sharif supported from farmed crickets. It all started eight years ago. Only two years ago since farmed crickets cultivated citizens. He still remembered the first time farmed crickets into Prayan, Village Watesumpak 1999. Currently, residents receive assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs of the box.
But indeed, the issue of marketing. ''If you are not able to market, it can not continue,''hesaid.
From its neighbors, farming expertise gained crickets. Every day, the crickets were fed pokphan already softened. After that could be left behind. Therefore, the people in place much into farming as a business sambian crickets. ''Normally, yes those of women who cared for him,''he said.
Now, Sharif who claimed to have six co-workers were already familiar with the market. Besides relying on his own jangkreknya crops, other farmers also sell crickets. ''Every day cricket can be harvested. To harvest it took about 40 days. There are people here who have 50 boxes,''he said.
Typically, the crickets were sold to out of town. Starting from Surabaya, Jogjakarta, and Jakarta. However, he also sent the cricket to the bird market in Mojokerto own. Later, he also smiled. Therefore, increasing their market targets. ''Now a lot of people breeding geckos. And, the food crickets,''he said.
Actually, a stable market for cricket. Every day, he could spend about two quintal crickets. Not only rely on their crops, but in order to meet market demand, farmers have to buy other crops. Before, sending his own''. Now there own power,''he said.
As with other goods, the price of crickets also fickle. Sometimes up, sometimes also decreased. Crickets per kilogram could reach Rp 50 thousand to USD 60 thousand. However, when it falls, can only USD 10 thousand per kilogram. ''If the price rises, because the little things,''he said.
Before the holidays, the price of crickets translucent USD 50 thousand to USD 60 thousand. At that time, cricket is very difficult. With the hot weather, crickets are easily killed. ''One box can usually be harvested at 40 pounds, but if the weather is hot only 10 kilograms. Crickets do not be too hot nor too cold,''he said.
Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010
Tradisional Costume In Mojokerto
Typical Wedding Clothe FITTINGS MOJOKERTO
Custom bridal apparel Mojokerto, can be divided into two: the first dress that is still original and the second a modified fashion. Especially for this second dress was even recognized by the Governor of East Java as a typical wedding dress Mojokerto. Efforts to preserve the traditional bridal dress from Mojokerto society is done by directing the modification, ie changing some parts to adjust to changing times. This effort apparently received positive responses from various circles both local government and society in general. It is therefore not surprising that in a relatively short time, traditional clothing is very well known modification of Mojokerto.
According to information from several sources who successfully contacted, obtained a picture that attempts to modify the traditional bridal dress custom Mojokerto is done after some people began leaving the Mojokerto tradisional clothes and replace with a bridal dress styles Surakarta Yogyakarta atau there are even some who choose European clothes, so feared that if not immediately adjusted to the changing times, the typical traditional clothes Mojokerto will disappear altogether. Even so to track the original custom clothing is very difficult, obstacles encountered, among others, was dressed very simply, apart from that most clothing only has a broken (bridal makeup), even according to some broken (bridal makeup), even by some information, the clothes really last original show's been around years ago in 1950, after which the clothes are gradually disappearing. Trends and developments society tastes very influential on the type of wedding dress is chosen, because most people choose a wedding dress from Central Java and Yogyakarta even cosmetic pcngantin Europe hence the Mojokerto area more traditional outfit pcngantin menyowakan these areas. For more details, will be described below original wedding dress and wedding dress Mojokeno Mojokerto which has been modified.
Original Wedding Dress Mojokerto
As we know that in order to survey the wedding dress should be made on certain months, which at that time done a lot of marriage ceremonies. But as time has urged the survey had to be done without adjusting the month-month term, even though there are some who carry out the intent of marriage dipilihpun clothes are not clothes but clothes that modified the original.
Further tracking dtujukan to fracture (bridal makeup artist) Watesnegoro village, Kec. Ngoro, namely Mbah Tun. Mbah Tun is a former cosmetic which includes older generation began to decorate the bride around the year 1970, and has now aged around 70 years. According to the story Mbah Tun, at around mid-year 1960 many brides who refuse to wear real clothes Mojokerto, because it was considered obsolete or outdated.
There bcberapa thing he remembered about the traditional bridal dress original Mojokerto, there are two (2) the type of clothing is clothing that is used by the duke and clothes used by ordinary people. The following description of the clothing worn by nobility.
Head ornaments:
Leaves of Java bun filled with flowers rocking (cunduk mentul) made of paper.
Diadem as a head covering.
A pair of gold earrings.
Gold necklace.
Front section:
Dipaes forehead (drawn) with the langes (charcoal) to black in color godheg groove formed like the shape of the ear curves.
Face up to his body parts with Atal polished, so that his body is yellow and clean and adds beauty impressed.
Her eyebrows are painted with charcoal, sharpened to look like a crescent.
Her lips were polished with Sumba or substances that are red food coloring using a stick that has been flattened.
Body Part:
Wearing a long cloth motif kawung, grinsing, or Sido mukti.
Kemben to cover the chest.
Belt / pending as abdominal binder.
Chocolate shoulder on both arms.
A pair of bracelets.
Diamond ring I fruit.
Leg Sections: Wearing kelompen or sandals as footwear.
Groom Apparel
Headdress: Blangkon typical Mojokerto.
Front section:
Part eyebrows and mustache painted with charcoal.
The face polished with Atal.
Body Part:
Wearing a long cloth that his motive is adjusted with the bride.
Long harness fabrics.
Chocolate shoulder on both arms.
Leg Sections: Wearing kelompen or sandals as footwear.
Wedding dress worn by most of society is as follows:
Head decoration: Wearing bun and covered with a veil of Java long.
Front section:
His face was polished with Atal to the body.
His eyebrows were painted with charcoal in order to appear like a crescent.
Her lips are painted with red Sumba.
A pair of Subang.
Body Part:
Kebaya wearing white or red.
Long cloth motifs kawung, grinsing or sidomukti.
Setagen as long cloth binding.
A pair of bracelets.
Part Feet: A pair of black sandals or rubber sandals as footwear.
Section Head: Using typical blangkon Mojokerto.
Front section:
Eyebrows and mustache painted with charcoal.
Polished face with Atal.
Body Part:
Wearing a white shirt (shirt taqwa).
Belt which is used to men.
Leg Sections: black sandals or slippers as footwear, of rubber.
Modified Existing Wedding Dress
As of today, have made efforts to modify the traditional bridal dress Mojokerto has a characteristic that is not the same as a wedding dress from other areas. Clothing from this Mojokerto highlight some aspects of regional culture Mojokerto mainly relics of the past is heavily influenced by the culture at the time of Majapahit.
Before determining the shape and style of a typical wedding dress from Mojokerto, assorted rembug to exchange views and seek common ground be done either in the form of meetings, workshops and so forth. Various officials from relevant agencies and experts on beauty and cultural observers and historians of the region involved in Mojokerto join this determination. Until finally, the various results of these meetings led to a typical wedding dress Mojokerto was already confirmed in the Mojokerto Regency Pendapa and carried right on to the 703 anniversary of Mojokerto on Thursday night of May 30, 1996. The modifications made wedding dress is a reflection of the Majapahit Kingdom dressmaking. Based on archaeological data can be seen that the center of Majapahit kingdom in Mojokerto area, so that local bridal fashion layout is now also refers to the traditional clothing at the time of Majapahit first heyday. Data for this were taken from several terracotta statues, and reliefs of the temple relics of the Majapahit. With reference to the Majapahit this fashion, bridal fashion expected "Loro Pangkon" typical Mojokerto really other than to the others, is not affected by the bridal fashion from other regions. Besides trying to mempekenalkan typical fashion, the local government also attempted to popularize Mojokerto long cloth that is named "Grinsing Mojokerto." Grinsing Mojokerto is typical of Mojokerto in the form of batik cloth fabric grinsing filled with arch motif moment, mango, duck, and cashew. These motifs are based on the results and typical of Mojokerto. Similarly headdress, worn bun form, called "Creambath Keling". Bun idea is based on the observation data in the field based on the statues and temple reliefs tarakota, from there shows that the model knot of women at the time of Majapahit, based on the right side (like a chignon briefly Balinese women). In addition to data from the sculptures and reliefs, the bun shape also inspired by sanka forms (shells) which is an attribute of the god Visnu. The form during the Majapahit sankha very popular as a symbol of ongoing life (regeneration). It seems that this form is used as a prototype of a typical bride Mojokerto bun, which was given the name of the rivet bun. While for the bridegroom to the top hair in a bun as well, as the picture of the grand vizier Gajah Mada hairdo.
Besides the clothing worn by the 20 people called Pager Ayu escort woman, also a long cloth motif Grinsing Mojokerto kebaya completed with a yellow color with embroidery motif decoration on the bottom of the temple shortly before their kebaya. Likewise, a pager Good berjumiah 20 people also wear taqwa (Moslem) and yellow color motif gerinsing Mojokerto long cloth worn with folded side, so that only cover part of the thigh. The lower part was still wearing long pants to match her dress. The Good Paging is also wearing distinctive headgear Mojokerto.
The dominant color in all the traditional clothing of Mojokerto is yellow and golden yellow. This color symbolizes the majesty and splendor to commemorate the first heyday of the Majapahit Kingdom.
The shape of the bridal dress Mojokerto (East Pangkon) as follows:
A. Bride Dress (Paes Mojoputri)
Head ornaments:
Keling bun (hair styling sankha model / mussel)
Long hair (fir = Java) placed at the bottom bun rivets, described under the jasmine flowers wound that has been assembled.
Ornamental hairpin motif string of jasmine-olan olan (jasmine strands wound around the base of the rivet until the end of the bun bun)
Fireworks rocking (cundhuk mentul) as much as seven pieces of metal chrysolite floral yellow gold. Flower stalk consists of two parts, the lower part shaped like a wire with a pointed tip to ease somewhat when plugging in the hair. The upper part is made of small wire spiral, so it can mentul-mentul when the bride's head moves.
Diadem crown princess is a carved decorative motifs similar to the period of the Majapahit kingdom, which was imposed following the era of Queen Kenconowungu.
Sumping kundhup jewel or ornament on the ear is made of metallic golden yellow color, an interesting way of using this Sumping facing backwards (Sumping generally used by Javanese brides do not like this).
Ronyok earrings (diamond), which can be real gold ear ornaments, or imitation.
Diamond necklace patterned garden kings (a necklace consisting of a string of flower-shaped jewel cape).
Wreaths of jasmine and magnolia flowers to decorate the front hair, which hung to the right and left chest.
Necklace made of long strands of jasmine flowers to the extent subject to the abdomen.
Hand decoration:
Bracelet made of gold jewelry (you can also imitation)
Gold diamond ring could be genuine or imitation
Body Part Decoration
Yellow headband (inner clothing before wearing kebaya)
Surya Majapahit black dress of velvet embroidered with gold thread motive Surya Majapahit.
Belt or pending which is made of black velvet cloth embroidered with gold thread gold ornaments. This belt other than as decoration also serve as a binder headband, Dodot, long cloth-ilatan and physical defect.
Hip Ornament
Long batik cloth prada Grinsing Mojokerto motif, which bears the bottom section (most of).
Dodot fabric (usually colored green with a temple motif prada minute) after the cloth worn Grinsing. Fabrics are subject only to the extent below the knee.
Physical defect-ilatan (embers - embers Samir) a pair of black velvet cloth embroidered with gold thread. Some are adorned with nine jewels of fruit. Worn on the right and left on the fabric Dodot.
Randi (sampur golden yellow or green)-ilatan subject to prior physical defect, with both ends hanging down the bottom left to right.
The foot
Footwear in the form of black slippers embroidered with gold thread
B. Groom Clothing (Surya Majapahit)
Bun rivets (fashion hairdo I Oft Gajah Mada)
Equipped with a diadem crown decorated with motifs Kasatriyan geomatris swasa materials made from golden yellow color at its center is decorated with a green gemstone.
Sumping kudhup bertahtakan diamonds or jewels worn to below the ear to briefly resemble earrings.
Diamond necklace.
Necklace made of jasmine garlands to the waist.
Hand Decoration
A pair of bracelets kana (hand) could be made of real gold or imitation (like its model Sigar kangkong)
Diamond ring.
Body Part Decoration
Yellow headband podang (for underwear).
Kasatriyan dress black velvet embroidered with gold thread Surya Majapait motive.
Pending a black belt or embroidered with gold thread, velvet material. Functions headband, fabric Dodot, sampur, physical defect-ilatan, long cloth and kris grinsing motif.
Necklace with a crescent-shaped pendant, motifsulur-suluran a three tiered.
Keris decorated with jasmine garlands of orchids and magnolia, garlands of flowers is tied around the handle end of the keris. Keris was pinned in the front right side of the abdomen. The significance of the placement of the dagger is at any time if there is an enemy of the groom is ready alert to.
Decoration Part Hips
Trousers motif batik prada grinsing Mojokerto.
Dodot prada green cloth decorated with motifs of the temple while. Imposed after a pair of pants, the fabric is subject only to the extent below the knee.
Samir Ilat-ilatan/bara-bara pair of black velvet decorated with gold thread. Sometimes also adorned with nine jewels. Subjected to the right and left.
Randi (sampur golden yellow and green) were used in rear-ilatan physical defect like a dancer wearing a sampur.
Decoration Part Foot
Footwear, beerupa black slippers trimmed with gold thread.
At a later period of the Mojokerto bridal fashion is no longer divided into two, a garment worn by the nobility and commoners together. Even then with the arrival of European fashion model (long skirt), dress typical of the original Mojokerto increasingly marginalized. Thus more difficult to rnencari truth of the original fashion typical of Mojokerto.
Traditional Bride's cosmetology Mojokerto unavoidable problem of the influence of modernization in all fields is the makeup, especially in manufacturing technology makeup. These tools make-up era is now very modern and varied, both in shape, color and packaging. To take advantage of tools to make up a person just chose the groove, because the variations they are also very varied. From the most expensive with prices with the simple to the most expensive price to the relatively low cost. Use of tools increasingly displaced the traditional makeup, because in addition to how its use is more difficult, required materials are sometimes not easy to obtain. Also makeup processed with this simple easy way faded, and was considered impractical.
Based on field observations, in the first makeup that is used for bridal makeup in the past is still very simple example:
Atal: used as a powder, made from rice and saffron mashed with water and then crushed. Then used as a scrub who smeared all over the body especially the bride.
Boyfriend: A kind of plant whose leaves into small pieces when crushed and mixed with limestone, gambier and black ants are used to dye the hands and feet nails sometimes applied also on the edge of the foot.
According to the prevailing custom in the past, usually a few days before the meeting, the prospective bride diprebolehkan not leave the house or secluded (Java). The goal is that health and safety of prospective brides awake. In periods of secluded, brides usually look after themselves, by putting Atal scrubs made from the whole body so that on the day of "H" will be visible yellow body and shine. The longer and regularly use scrubs result will also be increasingly baik.Selain scrubs, the prospective bride is also required putting a boyfriend leaves long before the day of "H", so that later when he sat on the aisle with her nails will appear bright red color is natural. This custom is still a lot done even by today's bride.
Also in general and female grooms are also required through the ceremony of "bloat teeth" or pangur (Java). The goal is that the teeth look flat, neat and clean especially when smiling. But this now seems to pangur habit is no longer interested, because in addition to already not be in style, also proved that pangur cause tooth decay.
In addition to prenatal care, marriage, the bride also had various performances, such as cutting hair around the forehead / brow / sinom, so that the forehead really smooth and neat when fitted diadem. Likewise, soft hairs around the ears (godeg = Java) must be removed, so that later will produce a perfect shape after Sumping fitted. In general, cutting hair on the forehead and around the ears will remain visible until one month later.
While meeting the bride, of course the bride makeup though with the equipment and make up a very simple. Since it is a special day for both the bride. Makeup used by the bride include:
Dipertebal eyebrows and reshaped, it is usually the preferred model at the time was like a crescent shape. Thicken eyebrows, using charcoal (wood that burned a tip)
Polished lip with Sumba (food coloring) in red by using a stick that has been flattened (considered as kwasnya).
Part skillet is up to all the body, especially parts - parts that look like hands and feet, covered with Atal to appear more clean and bright (Java-manglingi)
The entire nail hands and feet are given herb leaves a girlfriend, so that the reddish color.
While for the groom was also given a little make up, especially on the: - eyebrows, usually refined shapes with charcoal - Mustache, usually also diempurnakan by creating a picture of charcoal - Lips, too, plus a thin layer with food coloring. During the later use of good makeup for the bride and groom who are already using modern makeup, because in addition to more practical also easier to use. There remain only a few specific ingredients that can not be replaced, for example Atal until now still in great demand just added some specific ingredient that causes the smell fragrant and fresh. If now the bridal pair sat in a chair reserved for the bride (kwade), at the time the bride just sits on a simple chair.
Custom bridal apparel Mojokerto, can be divided into two: the first dress that is still original and the second a modified fashion. Especially for this second dress was even recognized by the Governor of East Java as a typical wedding dress Mojokerto. Efforts to preserve the traditional bridal dress from Mojokerto society is done by directing the modification, ie changing some parts to adjust to changing times. This effort apparently received positive responses from various circles both local government and society in general. It is therefore not surprising that in a relatively short time, traditional clothing is very well known modification of Mojokerto.
According to information from several sources who successfully contacted, obtained a picture that attempts to modify the traditional bridal dress custom Mojokerto is done after some people began leaving the Mojokerto tradisional clothes and replace with a bridal dress styles Surakarta Yogyakarta atau there are even some who choose European clothes, so feared that if not immediately adjusted to the changing times, the typical traditional clothes Mojokerto will disappear altogether. Even so to track the original custom clothing is very difficult, obstacles encountered, among others, was dressed very simply, apart from that most clothing only has a broken (bridal makeup), even according to some broken (bridal makeup), even by some information, the clothes really last original show's been around years ago in 1950, after which the clothes are gradually disappearing. Trends and developments society tastes very influential on the type of wedding dress is chosen, because most people choose a wedding dress from Central Java and Yogyakarta even cosmetic pcngantin Europe hence the Mojokerto area more traditional outfit pcngantin menyowakan these areas. For more details, will be described below original wedding dress and wedding dress Mojokeno Mojokerto which has been modified.
Original Wedding Dress Mojokerto
As we know that in order to survey the wedding dress should be made on certain months, which at that time done a lot of marriage ceremonies. But as time has urged the survey had to be done without adjusting the month-month term, even though there are some who carry out the intent of marriage dipilihpun clothes are not clothes but clothes that modified the original.
Further tracking dtujukan to fracture (bridal makeup artist) Watesnegoro village, Kec. Ngoro, namely Mbah Tun. Mbah Tun is a former cosmetic which includes older generation began to decorate the bride around the year 1970, and has now aged around 70 years. According to the story Mbah Tun, at around mid-year 1960 many brides who refuse to wear real clothes Mojokerto, because it was considered obsolete or outdated.
There bcberapa thing he remembered about the traditional bridal dress original Mojokerto, there are two (2) the type of clothing is clothing that is used by the duke and clothes used by ordinary people. The following description of the clothing worn by nobility.
Head ornaments:
Leaves of Java bun filled with flowers rocking (cunduk mentul) made of paper.
Diadem as a head covering.
A pair of gold earrings.
Gold necklace.
Front section:
Dipaes forehead (drawn) with the langes (charcoal) to black in color godheg groove formed like the shape of the ear curves.
Face up to his body parts with Atal polished, so that his body is yellow and clean and adds beauty impressed.
Her eyebrows are painted with charcoal, sharpened to look like a crescent.
Her lips were polished with Sumba or substances that are red food coloring using a stick that has been flattened.
Body Part:
Wearing a long cloth motif kawung, grinsing, or Sido mukti.
Kemben to cover the chest.
Belt / pending as abdominal binder.
Chocolate shoulder on both arms.
A pair of bracelets.
Diamond ring I fruit.
Leg Sections: Wearing kelompen or sandals as footwear.
Groom Apparel
Headdress: Blangkon typical Mojokerto.
Front section:
Part eyebrows and mustache painted with charcoal.
The face polished with Atal.
Body Part:
Wearing a long cloth that his motive is adjusted with the bride.
Long harness fabrics.
Chocolate shoulder on both arms.
Leg Sections: Wearing kelompen or sandals as footwear.
Wedding dress worn by most of society is as follows:
Head decoration: Wearing bun and covered with a veil of Java long.
Front section:
His face was polished with Atal to the body.
His eyebrows were painted with charcoal in order to appear like a crescent.
Her lips are painted with red Sumba.
A pair of Subang.
Body Part:
Kebaya wearing white or red.
Long cloth motifs kawung, grinsing or sidomukti.
Setagen as long cloth binding.
A pair of bracelets.
Part Feet: A pair of black sandals or rubber sandals as footwear.
Section Head: Using typical blangkon Mojokerto.
Front section:
Eyebrows and mustache painted with charcoal.
Polished face with Atal.
Body Part:
Wearing a white shirt (shirt taqwa).
Belt which is used to men.
Leg Sections: black sandals or slippers as footwear, of rubber.
Modified Existing Wedding Dress
As of today, have made efforts to modify the traditional bridal dress Mojokerto has a characteristic that is not the same as a wedding dress from other areas. Clothing from this Mojokerto highlight some aspects of regional culture Mojokerto mainly relics of the past is heavily influenced by the culture at the time of Majapahit.
Before determining the shape and style of a typical wedding dress from Mojokerto, assorted rembug to exchange views and seek common ground be done either in the form of meetings, workshops and so forth. Various officials from relevant agencies and experts on beauty and cultural observers and historians of the region involved in Mojokerto join this determination. Until finally, the various results of these meetings led to a typical wedding dress Mojokerto was already confirmed in the Mojokerto Regency Pendapa and carried right on to the 703 anniversary of Mojokerto on Thursday night of May 30, 1996. The modifications made wedding dress is a reflection of the Majapahit Kingdom dressmaking. Based on archaeological data can be seen that the center of Majapahit kingdom in Mojokerto area, so that local bridal fashion layout is now also refers to the traditional clothing at the time of Majapahit first heyday. Data for this were taken from several terracotta statues, and reliefs of the temple relics of the Majapahit. With reference to the Majapahit this fashion, bridal fashion expected "Loro Pangkon" typical Mojokerto really other than to the others, is not affected by the bridal fashion from other regions. Besides trying to mempekenalkan typical fashion, the local government also attempted to popularize Mojokerto long cloth that is named "Grinsing Mojokerto." Grinsing Mojokerto is typical of Mojokerto in the form of batik cloth fabric grinsing filled with arch motif moment, mango, duck, and cashew. These motifs are based on the results and typical of Mojokerto. Similarly headdress, worn bun form, called "Creambath Keling". Bun idea is based on the observation data in the field based on the statues and temple reliefs tarakota, from there shows that the model knot of women at the time of Majapahit, based on the right side (like a chignon briefly Balinese women). In addition to data from the sculptures and reliefs, the bun shape also inspired by sanka forms (shells) which is an attribute of the god Visnu. The form during the Majapahit sankha very popular as a symbol of ongoing life (regeneration). It seems that this form is used as a prototype of a typical bride Mojokerto bun, which was given the name of the rivet bun. While for the bridegroom to the top hair in a bun as well, as the picture of the grand vizier Gajah Mada hairdo.
Besides the clothing worn by the 20 people called Pager Ayu escort woman, also a long cloth motif Grinsing Mojokerto kebaya completed with a yellow color with embroidery motif decoration on the bottom of the temple shortly before their kebaya. Likewise, a pager Good berjumiah 20 people also wear taqwa (Moslem) and yellow color motif gerinsing Mojokerto long cloth worn with folded side, so that only cover part of the thigh. The lower part was still wearing long pants to match her dress. The Good Paging is also wearing distinctive headgear Mojokerto.
The dominant color in all the traditional clothing of Mojokerto is yellow and golden yellow. This color symbolizes the majesty and splendor to commemorate the first heyday of the Majapahit Kingdom.
The shape of the bridal dress Mojokerto (East Pangkon) as follows:
A. Bride Dress (Paes Mojoputri)
Head ornaments:
Keling bun (hair styling sankha model / mussel)
Long hair (fir = Java) placed at the bottom bun rivets, described under the jasmine flowers wound that has been assembled.
Ornamental hairpin motif string of jasmine-olan olan (jasmine strands wound around the base of the rivet until the end of the bun bun)
Fireworks rocking (cundhuk mentul) as much as seven pieces of metal chrysolite floral yellow gold. Flower stalk consists of two parts, the lower part shaped like a wire with a pointed tip to ease somewhat when plugging in the hair. The upper part is made of small wire spiral, so it can mentul-mentul when the bride's head moves.
Diadem crown princess is a carved decorative motifs similar to the period of the Majapahit kingdom, which was imposed following the era of Queen Kenconowungu.
Sumping kundhup jewel or ornament on the ear is made of metallic golden yellow color, an interesting way of using this Sumping facing backwards (Sumping generally used by Javanese brides do not like this).
Ronyok earrings (diamond), which can be real gold ear ornaments, or imitation.
Diamond necklace patterned garden kings (a necklace consisting of a string of flower-shaped jewel cape).
Wreaths of jasmine and magnolia flowers to decorate the front hair, which hung to the right and left chest.
Necklace made of long strands of jasmine flowers to the extent subject to the abdomen.
Hand decoration:
Bracelet made of gold jewelry (you can also imitation)
Gold diamond ring could be genuine or imitation
Body Part Decoration
Yellow headband (inner clothing before wearing kebaya)
Surya Majapahit black dress of velvet embroidered with gold thread motive Surya Majapahit.
Belt or pending which is made of black velvet cloth embroidered with gold thread gold ornaments. This belt other than as decoration also serve as a binder headband, Dodot, long cloth-ilatan and physical defect.
Hip Ornament
Long batik cloth prada Grinsing Mojokerto motif, which bears the bottom section (most of).
Dodot fabric (usually colored green with a temple motif prada minute) after the cloth worn Grinsing. Fabrics are subject only to the extent below the knee.
Physical defect-ilatan (embers - embers Samir) a pair of black velvet cloth embroidered with gold thread. Some are adorned with nine jewels of fruit. Worn on the right and left on the fabric Dodot.
Randi (sampur golden yellow or green)-ilatan subject to prior physical defect, with both ends hanging down the bottom left to right.
The foot
Footwear in the form of black slippers embroidered with gold thread
B. Groom Clothing (Surya Majapahit)
Bun rivets (fashion hairdo I Oft Gajah Mada)
Equipped with a diadem crown decorated with motifs Kasatriyan geomatris swasa materials made from golden yellow color at its center is decorated with a green gemstone.
Sumping kudhup bertahtakan diamonds or jewels worn to below the ear to briefly resemble earrings.
Diamond necklace.
Necklace made of jasmine garlands to the waist.
Hand Decoration
A pair of bracelets kana (hand) could be made of real gold or imitation (like its model Sigar kangkong)
Diamond ring.
Body Part Decoration
Yellow headband podang (for underwear).
Kasatriyan dress black velvet embroidered with gold thread Surya Majapait motive.
Pending a black belt or embroidered with gold thread, velvet material. Functions headband, fabric Dodot, sampur, physical defect-ilatan, long cloth and kris grinsing motif.
Necklace with a crescent-shaped pendant, motifsulur-suluran a three tiered.
Keris decorated with jasmine garlands of orchids and magnolia, garlands of flowers is tied around the handle end of the keris. Keris was pinned in the front right side of the abdomen. The significance of the placement of the dagger is at any time if there is an enemy of the groom is ready alert to.
Decoration Part Hips
Trousers motif batik prada grinsing Mojokerto.
Dodot prada green cloth decorated with motifs of the temple while. Imposed after a pair of pants, the fabric is subject only to the extent below the knee.
Samir Ilat-ilatan/bara-bara pair of black velvet decorated with gold thread. Sometimes also adorned with nine jewels. Subjected to the right and left.
Randi (sampur golden yellow and green) were used in rear-ilatan physical defect like a dancer wearing a sampur.
Decoration Part Foot
Footwear, beerupa black slippers trimmed with gold thread.
At a later period of the Mojokerto bridal fashion is no longer divided into two, a garment worn by the nobility and commoners together. Even then with the arrival of European fashion model (long skirt), dress typical of the original Mojokerto increasingly marginalized. Thus more difficult to rnencari truth of the original fashion typical of Mojokerto.
Traditional Bride's cosmetology Mojokerto unavoidable problem of the influence of modernization in all fields is the makeup, especially in manufacturing technology makeup. These tools make-up era is now very modern and varied, both in shape, color and packaging. To take advantage of tools to make up a person just chose the groove, because the variations they are also very varied. From the most expensive with prices with the simple to the most expensive price to the relatively low cost. Use of tools increasingly displaced the traditional makeup, because in addition to how its use is more difficult, required materials are sometimes not easy to obtain. Also makeup processed with this simple easy way faded, and was considered impractical.
Based on field observations, in the first makeup that is used for bridal makeup in the past is still very simple example:
Atal: used as a powder, made from rice and saffron mashed with water and then crushed. Then used as a scrub who smeared all over the body especially the bride.
Boyfriend: A kind of plant whose leaves into small pieces when crushed and mixed with limestone, gambier and black ants are used to dye the hands and feet nails sometimes applied also on the edge of the foot.
According to the prevailing custom in the past, usually a few days before the meeting, the prospective bride diprebolehkan not leave the house or secluded (Java). The goal is that health and safety of prospective brides awake. In periods of secluded, brides usually look after themselves, by putting Atal scrubs made from the whole body so that on the day of "H" will be visible yellow body and shine. The longer and regularly use scrubs result will also be increasingly baik.Selain scrubs, the prospective bride is also required putting a boyfriend leaves long before the day of "H", so that later when he sat on the aisle with her nails will appear bright red color is natural. This custom is still a lot done even by today's bride.
Also in general and female grooms are also required through the ceremony of "bloat teeth" or pangur (Java). The goal is that the teeth look flat, neat and clean especially when smiling. But this now seems to pangur habit is no longer interested, because in addition to already not be in style, also proved that pangur cause tooth decay.
In addition to prenatal care, marriage, the bride also had various performances, such as cutting hair around the forehead / brow / sinom, so that the forehead really smooth and neat when fitted diadem. Likewise, soft hairs around the ears (godeg = Java) must be removed, so that later will produce a perfect shape after Sumping fitted. In general, cutting hair on the forehead and around the ears will remain visible until one month later.
While meeting the bride, of course the bride makeup though with the equipment and make up a very simple. Since it is a special day for both the bride. Makeup used by the bride include:
Dipertebal eyebrows and reshaped, it is usually the preferred model at the time was like a crescent shape. Thicken eyebrows, using charcoal (wood that burned a tip)
Polished lip with Sumba (food coloring) in red by using a stick that has been flattened (considered as kwasnya).
Part skillet is up to all the body, especially parts - parts that look like hands and feet, covered with Atal to appear more clean and bright (Java-manglingi)
The entire nail hands and feet are given herb leaves a girlfriend, so that the reddish color.
While for the groom was also given a little make up, especially on the: - eyebrows, usually refined shapes with charcoal - Mustache, usually also diempurnakan by creating a picture of charcoal - Lips, too, plus a thin layer with food coloring. During the later use of good makeup for the bride and groom who are already using modern makeup, because in addition to more practical also easier to use. There remain only a few specific ingredients that can not be replaced, for example Atal until now still in great demand just added some specific ingredient that causes the smell fragrant and fresh. If now the bridal pair sat in a chair reserved for the bride (kwade), at the time the bride just sits on a simple chair.
Common/ public Place in Town of Mojokerto
Portrait of the Square, the dull icons Mojokerto - Among the Square of the City of East Java Se-goods times the square of Mojokerto is not considered beautiful and too noisy. The presence of street vendors and local government commitment to make ordering even considered not fangs. As a result, visitors who come has yet to feel the calm heart of the city as a tourist attraction jujugan location of the city.
Existence of the square not only as the heart of the city. But the beautiful gardens surrounding the supported shade trees, is expected to become the center of attention and jujugan while relaxing especially at night. However, it seemed not to apply in Mojokerto City Square, located at Jalan Veteran.
In addition to the barren, because the existence of the park as an absolute requirement to enhance and beautify never materialized, the role of PKL (street vendors), as if closing the shades of beautiful. Coveted beautiful park turned into a park street vendors. Almost every corner and space is not lost on those who peddle merchandise. Either by setting up shanties and use of vehicles.
However, for street vendors, their existence can not be used as the main problem in creating an ideal plaza. Conversely, the role of local government unit (SKDP) Pemkot Mojokerto stagnated while performing basic tasks and functions (duties).
In fact, some say antarsatker with other satker not synergistic. Especially in terms of coaching and restructuring of street vendors. As a result, the public up to now only just getting entertainment from lesehan mat rentals to spend time with family. With the accompaniment of musical sounds without the support of traders VCD beautiful quiet and shady.
Chairman of the Parliament in Mojokerto, Mulyadi, said the existence of the town square today is far behind than the square of the other cities in East Java. With shades of beautiful gardens and comfortable for the people who make the city as a tourist attraction. ''Compared to the other square, speaking contexts structuring the beauty of the town square is very left. That's because the existence of street vendors, including synergy and commitment of local administration that does not exist, "he said.
Two things submitted PAN politicians that have a point of origin. Following, among street vendors and local administration, by the number one in Parliament shall be deemed to share the same interests. Interests of local government in question is trying to create green open spaces of entertainment that can be utilized. Like to beautify the plaza with shady gardens and trees. Meanwhile, street vendors, the interest is certainly want to earn as much as possible by utilizing jujugan community.
''But the latter two interests can not be met. Because PKI is the clerk's arrangement is not optimal. Including the commitment of each and kengotan satker disiti street vendors to sell, "he explained.
Commitment is Mulyadi, is related duties that impressed satker-sakter walked alone. Among them, and Sanitation Agency (DKP), Satpol PP, Department of Revenue, Finance and Asset Management (DPPKA), Development Planning Agency (Bappeko), Department of Industry and Commerce (Disperindag) and the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs. So to solve it''(Square, Red) can not walk alone. There should be more synergy between the existing satker, "explained this former NGO activists smashed.
Therefore to realize it, said Mulyadi, the local government should establish an integrated training team. Involving satker-existing sakter. Both of coaching, arrangement and even the relocation of street vendors. From the side of the building and remodeling, the team are expected to brave and able to relocate street vendors from within the square to the road that circled the square.
With notes, must be accompanied by a uniformity of tents and street vendors to trade places. For instance, arranging VCD traders and those who use loudspeakers in the streets east of the square. Exactly in front of the Legislative Office Mojokerto regency. That its presence does not disturb a place of worship. And prohibit a vehicle to enter into the plaza area. With so is believed to be the heart of beautiful and comfortable environment for the community.
But no less important''integrated team must put commitments. Do not let the team actually made themselves breaking the rules, "he said. To oversee it, the Regional Municipality stating, going back to perform in-depth review has not been successfully linked penataam plaza. Covers, lack of facilities and infrastructures (sarpras) that are considered not met.
Both the shortage of personnel officers and pembekalaan PP Satpol security post in the activities of street vendors to keep watching. ''But we feel this can not be done partially, but had to touch everything. Including street vendors outside the square,''pointed out Mulyadi.
Portrait of the Square, the dull icons Mojokerto - Among the Square of the City of East Java Se-goods times the square of Mojokerto is not considered beautiful and too noisy. The presence of street vendors and local government commitment to make ordering even considered not fangs. As a result, visitors who come has yet to feel the calm heart of the city as a tourist attraction jujugan location of the city.
Existence of the square not only as the heart of the city. But the beautiful gardens surrounding the supported shade trees, is expected to become the center of attention and jujugan while relaxing especially at night. However, it seemed not to apply in Mojokerto City Square, located at Jalan Veteran.
In addition to the barren, because the existence of the park as an absolute requirement to enhance and beautify never materialized, the role of PKL (street vendors), as if closing the shades of beautiful. Coveted beautiful park turned into a park street vendors. Almost every corner and space is not lost on those who peddle merchandise. Either by setting up shanties and use of vehicles.
However, for street vendors, their existence can not be used as the main problem in creating an ideal plaza. Conversely, the role of local government unit (SKDP) Pemkot Mojokerto stagnated while performing basic tasks and functions (duties).
In fact, some say antarsatker with other satker not synergistic. Especially in terms of coaching and restructuring of street vendors. As a result, the public up to now only just getting entertainment from lesehan mat rentals to spend time with family. With the accompaniment of musical sounds without the support of traders VCD beautiful quiet and shady.
Chairman of the Parliament in Mojokerto, Mulyadi, said the existence of the town square today is far behind than the square of the other cities in East Java. With shades of beautiful gardens and comfortable for the people who make the city as a tourist attraction. ''Compared to the other square, speaking contexts structuring the beauty of the town square is very left. That's because the existence of street vendors, including synergy and commitment of local administration that does not exist, "he said.
Two things submitted PAN politicians that have a point of origin. Following, among street vendors and local administration, by the number one in Parliament shall be deemed to share the same interests. Interests of local government in question is trying to create green open spaces of entertainment that can be utilized. Like to beautify the plaza with shady gardens and trees. Meanwhile, street vendors, the interest is certainly want to earn as much as possible by utilizing jujugan community.
''But the latter two interests can not be met. Because PKI is the clerk's arrangement is not optimal. Including the commitment of each and kengotan satker disiti street vendors to sell, "he explained.
Commitment is Mulyadi, is related duties that impressed satker-sakter walked alone. Among them, and Sanitation Agency (DKP), Satpol PP, Department of Revenue, Finance and Asset Management (DPPKA), Development Planning Agency (Bappeko), Department of Industry and Commerce (Disperindag) and the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs. So to solve it''(Square, Red) can not walk alone. There should be more synergy between the existing satker, "explained this former NGO activists smashed.
Therefore to realize it, said Mulyadi, the local government should establish an integrated training team. Involving satker-existing sakter. Both of coaching, arrangement and even the relocation of street vendors. From the side of the building and remodeling, the team are expected to brave and able to relocate street vendors from within the square to the road that circled the square.
With notes, must be accompanied by a uniformity of tents and street vendors to trade places. For instance, arranging VCD traders and those who use loudspeakers in the streets east of the square. Exactly in front of the Legislative Office Mojokerto regency. That its presence does not disturb a place of worship. And prohibit a vehicle to enter into the plaza area. With so is believed to be the heart of beautiful and comfortable environment for the community.
But no less important''integrated team must put commitments. Do not let the team actually made themselves breaking the rules, "he said. To oversee it, the Regional Municipality stating, going back to perform in-depth review has not been successfully linked penataam plaza. Covers, lack of facilities and infrastructures (sarpras) that are considered not met.
Both the shortage of personnel officers and pembekalaan PP Satpol security post in the activities of street vendors to keep watching. ''But we feel this can not be done partially, but had to touch everything. Including street vendors outside the square,''pointed out Mulyadi.
Traditional music in Mojokerto
Gamelan, Orchestra Java style
Gamelan is surely not a foreign music. Its popularity has spread to various continents and has created a new blend of jazz-gamelan music, gave birth to the institution as a learning space and the expression of gamelan music, to produce famous gamelan musicians. Gamelan music instrument can now be enjoyed in many parts of the world, but Mojokerto is the most appropriate place to enjoy the gamelan is it since you can enjoy the original version.
Gamelan music is growing in Mojokerto Javanese gamelan, a different form of gamelan Balinese gamelan or Sundanese gamelan. Javanese gamelan has a softer tone and slow, in contrast to the dynamic Balinese gamelan and Sundanese gamelan highly dominated lilting voice and flute. The difference is understandable, because Java has its own view of life expressed in the rhythm of gamelan music.
Javanese philosophy of life expressed in gamelan music is the harmony of physical and spiritual life, speak and act in harmony in order not to create an explosive expression and to manifest tolerance. Real form of music is the pull string fiddle that is, a balanced blend of sound kenong, saron drum and xylophone and gong sounds on every cover of a rhythm.
There is no definite history of gamelan. The development of gamelan music is expected since the emergence of rafters, fiddle, pat into the mouth, the friction on a thin rope or bamboo to familiar musical instruments from metal. Subsequent developments after named gamelan music was used to accompany the leather puppet show and dances. Later it became independent as the music itself and are equipped with voice sinden.
A set of gamelan consist of several instruments, including a set of similar musical instrument drum called drums, fiddle and zither, xylophone, gongs and bamboo flutes. The main components that make up the gamelan music instruments are bamboo, metal, and wood. Each instrument has its own function in gamelan music show, for example gong music played to close a long and gave the balance after the previous musical rhythm was decorated by gending.
Javanese gamelan is music with pentatonic melodies. A complete gamelan game consists of two rounds, namely slendro and pelog. Slendro has five tones per octave, ie 1 2 3 5 6 [C-D E + GA] with small differences in the interval. Pelog has seven tones per octave, ie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [C + D E-F # G # AB] with a large difference interval. Gamelan music compositions created by some rules, which consist of several rounds and pathet, limited by a gong and the melodies were created in a unit consisting of four tones.
You can see gamelan as an independent music performance or a dance or performing arts such as wayang kulit and ketoprak. As a performance, gamelan music is usually combined with the sound of the Javanese singers (male singers and female singers called wiraswara called waranggana or sinden). Gamelan music concert performance can be classical or contemporary gamelan. Gamelan is a form of contemporary jazz-gamelan music as a combination of pentatonic and diatonic melodies.of contemporary gamelan music is jazz-gamelan music as a combination of pentatonic and diatonic melodies.
Gamelan, Orchestra Java style
Gamelan is surely not a foreign music. Its popularity has spread to various continents and has created a new blend of jazz-gamelan music, gave birth to the institution as a learning space and the expression of gamelan music, to produce famous gamelan musicians. Gamelan music instrument can now be enjoyed in many parts of the world, but Mojokerto is the most appropriate place to enjoy the gamelan is it since you can enjoy the original version.
Gamelan music is growing in Mojokerto Javanese gamelan, a different form of gamelan Balinese gamelan or Sundanese gamelan. Javanese gamelan has a softer tone and slow, in contrast to the dynamic Balinese gamelan and Sundanese gamelan highly dominated lilting voice and flute. The difference is understandable, because Java has its own view of life expressed in the rhythm of gamelan music.
Javanese philosophy of life expressed in gamelan music is the harmony of physical and spiritual life, speak and act in harmony in order not to create an explosive expression and to manifest tolerance. Real form of music is the pull string fiddle that is, a balanced blend of sound kenong, saron drum and xylophone and gong sounds on every cover of a rhythm.
There is no definite history of gamelan. The development of gamelan music is expected since the emergence of rafters, fiddle, pat into the mouth, the friction on a thin rope or bamboo to familiar musical instruments from metal. Subsequent developments after named gamelan music was used to accompany the leather puppet show and dances. Later it became independent as the music itself and are equipped with voice sinden.
A set of gamelan consist of several instruments, including a set of similar musical instrument drum called drums, fiddle and zither, xylophone, gongs and bamboo flutes. The main components that make up the gamelan music instruments are bamboo, metal, and wood. Each instrument has its own function in gamelan music show, for example gong music played to close a long and gave the balance after the previous musical rhythm was decorated by gending.
Javanese gamelan is music with pentatonic melodies. A complete gamelan game consists of two rounds, namely slendro and pelog. Slendro has five tones per octave, ie 1 2 3 5 6 [C-D E + GA] with small differences in the interval. Pelog has seven tones per octave, ie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [C + D E-F # G # AB] with a large difference interval. Gamelan music compositions created by some rules, which consist of several rounds and pathet, limited by a gong and the melodies were created in a unit consisting of four tones.
You can see gamelan as an independent music performance or a dance or performing arts such as wayang kulit and ketoprak. As a performance, gamelan music is usually combined with the sound of the Javanese singers (male singers and female singers called wiraswara called waranggana or sinden). Gamelan music concert performance can be classical or contemporary gamelan. Gamelan is a form of contemporary jazz-gamelan music as a combination of pentatonic and diatonic melodies.of contemporary gamelan music is jazz-gamelan music as a combination of pentatonic and diatonic melodies.
Tradisional Game
Dakon is traditional game of epoch first exist in Mojokerto.
Game of Dakon use game board owning 14 hole and 2 mains hole which [is] its bigger size measure. Played by 2 people. One mains hole lay in tip of other mains hole and board located in other back part. Among both mains hole there are 2 line which every its line contain 7 hole which [is] its amount 14 hole.
In fact Dakon there [is] containing also 18 hole and 2 mains hole. but most the used [is] which is 14.
Epoch first, children play at this dakon, although [there] no its game board, they can make land;ground hole as according to existing rule of the game [is] game board that is amounting to 14 hole by 2 mains hole
Way of playing at:
- Every puncture filled by 7 seed which usually [is] made from plastic or cockle. Except empty let mains hole. After determining who'll start in advance, hence game started by chosening one of [the] hole and propagate seed exist in the hole to every other hole clockwise. Each hole filled by 1 seed. If/When last seed fall [in] existing hole [of] other bulk hence seed exist in the hole taken again to be continued to to fill holes hereinafter. Don'T forget to fill in seed to our mains hole each;every passing [him/ it]. While opponent mains hole needn't fill.
If/When last seed in the reality enter in our mains hole, meaning we can chosen other hole to start again, but if/when in the reality last seed moment put down [at] one of [the] empty hole, meaning innings for our opponent. If/When that last seed place hole [in] one of the 7 hole exist in our line, hence seed exist in defecting the the hole along with last 1 seed exist in empty hole will become our and will enter in our mains hole.
After all empty line, hence game started again by filling our 7 hole, each by 7 seed of seed exist in our mains hole. [Is] started from proximate hole with mains hole, if/when falling short hence empty let other hole and during game may not fill.
- used seed
Kecik [is] chicoo seed which commonly use moment game of dakon. Chicoo seed used in this game because epoch first a lot of chicoo tree lawn of house [is] so that exploited for the game of dakon. Kecik which [is] required in game of dakon there [is] 98. because each side of dakon owning 7 that hole [is] filled [by] 7 seed to the each its hole. Become, each player have 49 seed of kecik run readily
But unhappily game of dakon now seldom be made a fool of [by] children in this time because many modern game which more liked.
Game of Dakon use game board owning 14 hole and 2 mains hole which [is] its bigger size measure. Played by 2 people. One mains hole lay in tip of other mains hole and board located in other back part. Among both mains hole there are 2 line which every its line contain 7 hole which [is] its amount 14 hole.
In fact Dakon there [is] containing also 18 hole and 2 mains hole. but most the used [is] which is 14.
Epoch first, children play at this dakon, although [there] no its game board, they can make land;ground hole as according to existing rule of the game [is] game board that is amounting to 14 hole by 2 mains hole
Way of playing at:
- Every puncture filled by 7 seed which usually [is] made from plastic or cockle. Except empty let mains hole. After determining who'll start in advance, hence game started by chosening one of [the] hole and propagate seed exist in the hole to every other hole clockwise. Each hole filled by 1 seed. If/When last seed fall [in] existing hole [of] other bulk hence seed exist in the hole taken again to be continued to to fill holes hereinafter. Don'T forget to fill in seed to our mains hole each;every passing [him/ it]. While opponent mains hole needn't fill.
If/When last seed in the reality enter in our mains hole, meaning we can chosen other hole to start again, but if/when in the reality last seed moment put down [at] one of [the] empty hole, meaning innings for our opponent. If/When that last seed place hole [in] one of the 7 hole exist in our line, hence seed exist in defecting the the hole along with last 1 seed exist in empty hole will become our and will enter in our mains hole.
After all empty line, hence game started again by filling our 7 hole, each by 7 seed of seed exist in our mains hole. [Is] started from proximate hole with mains hole, if/when falling short hence empty let other hole and during game may not fill.
- used seed
Kecik [is] chicoo seed which commonly use moment game of dakon. Chicoo seed used in this game because epoch first a lot of chicoo tree lawn of house [is] so that exploited for the game of dakon. Kecik which [is] required in game of dakon there [is] 98. because each side of dakon owning 7 that hole [is] filled [by] 7 seed to the each its hole. Become, each player have 49 seed of kecik run readily
But unhappily game of dakon now seldom be made a fool of [by] children in this time because many modern game which more liked.
Traditional Typical Food of Town of Mojokerto
Rengginang is one one typical food of town of Mojokerto. Rengginang [is] light food ( made of [by] nyamikan) is soft rice rice steam, sweet berasa or asin-gurih, printed globular with diameter [about/around] 5 cm or 8 cm, and fried crunchy so that have renyah tekstur. Besides especial materials [of] soft rice rice, other indirect material the required [is] sugar, salt, garlic, and walnut. The materialss intend to be enhanced to yield rengginang with certain citarasa ( beloved or is crispy).
raw material of Rengginang [is] to soft rice rice. [Is] in general used [by] white soft rice rice, but rice soft rice of hitam-pun also can be made [by] rengginang. Rice soft rice and ordinary rice ( non soft rice) differing content of amylosa and its its[his]. Amylosa related to diametrical with tying 1-4 alfa-glikosidik, while amylopektin related to branch with tying 1-4 alpha and 1-6 beta of glikosidik [at] its ramification with length enchain 20 - 26 set of glucose.
At process of rengginang, originally white soft rice rice soaked [by] during [about/around] 12-14 [hour/clock], later;then leak, last steamed [by] during [about/around] 40 minute. Perendaman aim to to give opportunity of penetration irrigate into rice seed, so that assist process ripening of rice seed during pengukusan. less Perendaman [of] time more than anything else [do] not be [done/conducted] [by] perendaman, causing ripening only [in] external coat [of] just soft rice rice seed, so that unable to yield rengginang better ( between soft rice rice item is not compact). After steamed, soft rice rice which still in a state of heat mixed with flavour ( walnut, onion, salt, or sugar), later;then soft rice rice printed is ( flimsy, circular with diameter [about/around] 5 cm), put to the sun last. drier of Rengginang require time 2 day in the situation sun terik or [about/around] 5 day if/when situation uncertain. After put to the sun, rengginang [is] ready to fried, tidy later;then and marketed. Frying of rengginang [done/conducted] with system of deep frying ( materials fried in oil which quite a lot, so that materials died in it). Frying [done/conducted] [by] [at] high temperature [about/around] 170oC so that yield rengginang which [is] renyah.
Onde-Onde Tombone Lambe(Obatnya Mulut)
Onde-onde, almost similar to the word-ondel ondel. But make no mistake these dumplings, by-the typical native Mojokerto, once I listened to the story of one of my teachers. He talked about the Chinese people who ask how do I put sesame seeds into the dumplings to be fried. And he says "they (the Chinese) ribet kok very mikirin way sesame seeds stuck to the onde-onde, ga 'like people here, yes on the roll-gulingin enough to have the contents handsome sesame seeds, take care ...! ". From there terfikir yes there is true also. Lambe tombane dumplings, it is often heard saying that if there are dumplings.
Why tombone lambe dumplings, because after eating dumplings, aka mouth feels relieved because the Hungry, so the mouth feel satisfied sweet, savory and delicious dumplings. Dumplings are sufficient nutritious food, because it is made from wheat flour which contains carbohydrates, and it is green beans that have been cleaned from the skin, which contains green beans and vegetable proteins contain antioxidants. And sesame seeds that nourish the heart, lowers cholesterol, cancer, and this one of the most wanted man, sesame seeds contain vitamin E are high that can make your skin more youthful. Hebatkan, only a small food typical of Mojokerto, which is not only delicious but beneficial to health when consumed.
So the food is delicious to be enjoyed by all circles, because it's delicious and nutritious. From a simplicity of food, creating an unforgettable impression
A little joke I've ever heard and remember this "Life is like eating dumplings, you'll forget it all when it felt comfortable and gurihnya dumplings." just try it ngerasai dumplings definitely think you will find special pleasure when consuming / enjoying the dumplings.
Sharing is good and fun, to preserve heritage. Here is a recipe for dumplings that I share for those who want to make their own food typical characteristics of Mojokerto.
Resepe dumplings
Material leather making dumplings:
1 kg of glutinous rice flour
250 grams of rice flour
250 grams granulated sugar
1 tablespoon starch
Sesame taste
Material contents of dumplings:
500gram green beans whose skin has been peeled, soaked and steamed until tender, and haluskan.Lalu digongso with 200 grams of granulated sugar and vanilla tamabahkan so slightly fragrant. Digongso to be made to the contents of circular-circular dumplings.
All of the leather-making materials mixed with water sufficiently menjjadi one, do not be too soft or weak. Then dipulung round-round and give isi.Celupkan kewijen while the press-press, closed rapat.Goreng in oil over medium heat much, while continuing to stir- stir fry. It should be maintained so that the oil should not be too hot because the dumplings will break out if the oil is too hot. Then remove and drain, delicious dumplings that we enjoy.
Rengginang is one one typical food of town of Mojokerto. Rengginang [is] light food ( made of [by] nyamikan) is soft rice rice steam, sweet berasa or asin-gurih, printed globular with diameter [about/around] 5 cm or 8 cm, and fried crunchy so that have renyah tekstur. Besides especial materials [of] soft rice rice, other indirect material the required [is] sugar, salt, garlic, and walnut. The materialss intend to be enhanced to yield rengginang with certain citarasa ( beloved or is crispy).
raw material of Rengginang [is] to soft rice rice. [Is] in general used [by] white soft rice rice, but rice soft rice of hitam-pun also can be made [by] rengginang. Rice soft rice and ordinary rice ( non soft rice) differing content of amylosa and its its[his]. Amylosa related to diametrical with tying 1-4 alfa-glikosidik, while amylopektin related to branch with tying 1-4 alpha and 1-6 beta of glikosidik [at] its ramification with length enchain 20 - 26 set of glucose.
At process of rengginang, originally white soft rice rice soaked [by] during [about/around] 12-14 [hour/clock], later;then leak, last steamed [by] during [about/around] 40 minute. Perendaman aim to to give opportunity of penetration irrigate into rice seed, so that assist process ripening of rice seed during pengukusan. less Perendaman [of] time more than anything else [do] not be [done/conducted] [by] perendaman, causing ripening only [in] external coat [of] just soft rice rice seed, so that unable to yield rengginang better ( between soft rice rice item is not compact). After steamed, soft rice rice which still in a state of heat mixed with flavour ( walnut, onion, salt, or sugar), later;then soft rice rice printed is ( flimsy, circular with diameter [about/around] 5 cm), put to the sun last. drier of Rengginang require time 2 day in the situation sun terik or [about/around] 5 day if/when situation uncertain. After put to the sun, rengginang [is] ready to fried, tidy later;then and marketed. Frying of rengginang [done/conducted] with system of deep frying ( materials fried in oil which quite a lot, so that materials died in it). Frying [done/conducted] [by] [at] high temperature [about/around] 170oC so that yield rengginang which [is] renyah.
Onde-Onde Tombone Lambe(Obatnya Mulut)
Onde-onde, almost similar to the word-ondel ondel. But make no mistake these dumplings, by-the typical native Mojokerto, once I listened to the story of one of my teachers. He talked about the Chinese people who ask how do I put sesame seeds into the dumplings to be fried. And he says "they (the Chinese) ribet kok very mikirin way sesame seeds stuck to the onde-onde, ga 'like people here, yes on the roll-gulingin enough to have the contents handsome sesame seeds, take care ...! ". From there terfikir yes there is true also. Lambe tombane dumplings, it is often heard saying that if there are dumplings.
Why tombone lambe dumplings, because after eating dumplings, aka mouth feels relieved because the Hungry, so the mouth feel satisfied sweet, savory and delicious dumplings. Dumplings are sufficient nutritious food, because it is made from wheat flour which contains carbohydrates, and it is green beans that have been cleaned from the skin, which contains green beans and vegetable proteins contain antioxidants. And sesame seeds that nourish the heart, lowers cholesterol, cancer, and this one of the most wanted man, sesame seeds contain vitamin E are high that can make your skin more youthful. Hebatkan, only a small food typical of Mojokerto, which is not only delicious but beneficial to health when consumed.
So the food is delicious to be enjoyed by all circles, because it's delicious and nutritious. From a simplicity of food, creating an unforgettable impression
A little joke I've ever heard and remember this "Life is like eating dumplings, you'll forget it all when it felt comfortable and gurihnya dumplings." just try it ngerasai dumplings definitely think you will find special pleasure when consuming / enjoying the dumplings.
Sharing is good and fun, to preserve heritage. Here is a recipe for dumplings that I share for those who want to make their own food typical characteristics of Mojokerto.
Resepe dumplings
Material leather making dumplings:
1 kg of glutinous rice flour
250 grams of rice flour
250 grams granulated sugar
1 tablespoon starch
Sesame taste
Material contents of dumplings:
500gram green beans whose skin has been peeled, soaked and steamed until tender, and haluskan.Lalu digongso with 200 grams of granulated sugar and vanilla tamabahkan so slightly fragrant. Digongso to be made to the contents of circular-circular dumplings.
All of the leather-making materials mixed with water sufficiently menjjadi one, do not be too soft or weak. Then dipulung round-round and give isi.Celupkan kewijen while the press-press, closed rapat.Goreng in oil over medium heat much, while continuing to stir- stir fry. It should be maintained so that the oil should not be too hot because the dumplings will break out if the oil is too hot. Then remove and drain, delicious dumplings that we enjoy.
Industry in Region Town of Mojokerto
Industrial Komiditi of Shoe
Industrial Komiditi [of] Shoe [is] to represent Town pledge industry of Mojokerto, concerning its quality needn't be hesitated again while its assorted production [of] desain able to accomodate [at] consumer appetite. for marketing beside fulfill requirement of area society alone [is] also marketed to other area even diexport go out industrial negeri.Sentra [of] slipper and shoe [in] town of mojokerto spread over [in] some sub-district. [Among/Between] him [is] [in] sub-district of miji, prajuritkulon, surodinawan kranggan and sub-district of blooto.
To [go] to location of sentra industrial [of] shoe, your which can transportation moda use from terminal direction and also [go] to town terminal direction of mojokerto [is] B lyn to [go] to location of sentra industrial [of] shoe sub-district of miji, surodinawan and sub-district of kranggan, for the sub-district of prajuritkulon and sub-district of blooto you have to use continuation transportation that is pedicab besides using B lyn as transportation moda. Product result of from industrial sentra [of] shoe of mojokerto have been sold in all indonesia even adapula which have been exported out country, (it) is true shoe product of mojokerto have the quality of good.
Crafting/ Diligence Of Miniatur Ship
Besides batik write typically and mojopahit of sentra industrial [of] shoe, [in] town of mojokerto also there are [crafting/ diligence] of ship miniatur which is [is] compatible to be used as [by] souvenir of town of mojokerto, its location [in] road;street of brawijaya sub-district of miji. [Crafting/ diligence] of the ship miniatur [is] property H. Jauhari with facility of showroom and of workshop which [is] SSBT diberinama ( Maritime art gallery [of] National)
Product yielded by SSBT all kinds of among others [is] Deity ship of Ruci, Phinisi, Red Dragon, San Juan and others. product [of] elementary berbahan [of] wood and [in] making pursuant to researching into and history literatures. In this time product of SSBT have many terpajang [in] sittingroom, office, company, governance institution and hotel. Besides product of SSBT have also been exported to various overseas state like America, Mid-East and nations [in] Europe.
To go to location of SSBT your which can transportation moda use from terminal direction and also [go] to town terminal of mojokerto [is] Lyn B.
Industrial Komiditi [of] Shoe [is] to represent Town pledge industry of Mojokerto, concerning its quality needn't be hesitated again while its assorted production [of] desain able to accomodate [at] consumer appetite. for marketing beside fulfill requirement of area society alone [is] also marketed to other area even diexport go out industrial negeri.Sentra [of] slipper and shoe [in] town of mojokerto spread over [in] some sub-district. [Among/Between] him [is] [in] sub-district of miji, prajuritkulon, surodinawan kranggan and sub-district of blooto.
To [go] to location of sentra industrial [of] shoe, your which can transportation moda use from terminal direction and also [go] to town terminal direction of mojokerto [is] B lyn to [go] to location of sentra industrial [of] shoe sub-district of miji, surodinawan and sub-district of kranggan, for the sub-district of prajuritkulon and sub-district of blooto you have to use continuation transportation that is pedicab besides using B lyn as transportation moda. Product result of from industrial sentra [of] shoe of mojokerto have been sold in all indonesia even adapula which have been exported out country, (it) is true shoe product of mojokerto have the quality of good.
Crafting/ Diligence Of Miniatur Ship
Besides batik write typically and mojopahit of sentra industrial [of] shoe, [in] town of mojokerto also there are [crafting/ diligence] of ship miniatur which is [is] compatible to be used as [by] souvenir of town of mojokerto, its location [in] road;street of brawijaya sub-district of miji. [Crafting/ diligence] of the ship miniatur [is] property H. Jauhari with facility of showroom and of workshop which [is] SSBT diberinama ( Maritime art gallery [of] National)
Product yielded by SSBT all kinds of among others [is] Deity ship of Ruci, Phinisi, Red Dragon, San Juan and others. product [of] elementary berbahan [of] wood and [in] making pursuant to researching into and history literatures. In this time product of SSBT have many terpajang [in] sittingroom, office, company, governance institution and hotel. Besides product of SSBT have also been exported to various overseas state like America, Mid-East and nations [in] Europe.
To go to location of SSBT your which can transportation moda use from terminal direction and also [go] to town terminal of mojokerto [is] Lyn B.
Tentang Aku
Namaku ETRIN NORDA VELINA, aku lahir di Mojokerto tanggal 6 bulan agustus and lahir tahun 1994. warna favoritku biru coz menurutku warna biru adalah warna yang bisa memberiku semangat dalam hidupku, biru adalah warna dasar langit. so, aku ingin menggapai mimpi dan cita-cita tinggi setinggi langit yang biru. yang membawa kecerahan dan kebahagiaan, meski kadang sering terlihat mendung namun dibalik itu ada hikmahnya juga loh. langit mendung dan tidak lama kemudian pasti akan menurunkan hujan, and pastinya hujan itu akan membawa manfaat tersendiri untuk makhluk hidup. bermanfaat banget kan, maka itulah yang aku inginkan. aku ingin menjadi orang yang bermanfaat untuk semua makhluk hidup yang ada di dunia ini, terutama manusia. asal tau aja ya, buat yang baca blogku ini. cita-cita tebesarku adalah ingin menjadi penyebar agama Allah. meski kelihatannya berat atau bahkan mustahil tapi aku akan berusaha dan yakin jika aku bisa menegakkan agama Allah yang murni ini yaitu agama Islam. Do'ain aku yahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
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