Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Kumpulan Soal UN Bahasa Inggris

Ujian Nasional

Tahun 2001

Bahasa Inggris

Bacaan untuk soal no 1 sampai dengan 5

The living and nonliving things in any area form a community are called ecosystem. They act on one another in many ways. Two of the most important ways are through food chains and chemical cycles.

Life could not exist without energy from the sun. The sun's energy travels to earth as light. It affects plants and animals through chemical processes. All plants and animals are linked together in these processes. The sun's energy flows through all of them in a continuing path called a food chain.

Plants-eating animals, or herbivores, consume (eat) the plants. In their own bodies, these animals reorganize the chemical in the plants and use them as nourishment. The same thing happens when a plant-eating animal, such as rabbit, is eaten by a meat-eating animal, or carnivore, such as a fox. (animals that eat both plants and meat are called omnivore).

A certain process takes place when living things die. Bacteria" and fungi break the chemical compounds down into simple nutrients. This process is called decomposition. The nutrients from decaying animals enter the soil, where they are used again by plants.
Thousand of years ago, the human population was much smaller than it is today and people did not greatly affect the balance of nature. Several hundred people who lived as community of hunters did not kill enough animals to disturb the balance of their ecosystem. A few thousand people who lived by a river, and discarded waste did not pollute the water enough to change the ecosystem.

Today the human population is enormous; And people have created many ecological crises, especially in areas where the population has grown quickly. Their demand for space, their production of waste, and their need for quantities of food, water, and energy all have had an important effect on natural system. Very often, the activities of people have upset the natural balance.


Why are ecological issues more concern today rather than, in the past?
Because ...
A.    the food chains has changes
B.     there is less energy from the sun
C.     there are more people on the planet
D.     there are not many animals and pets
E.      the growth of people affects the balance of nature


Each form of life can survive only when ...
A.    there are other living things
B.     it is in its own environment
C.     the ecosystem is not balance
D.     the area is densely populated
E.      there are plants and animals


According to the text, which statement is NOT TRUE?

A.     The natural balance in the environment has been disrupted by the human beings.
B.      Ecosystem is a community of the living and non living things in one area

C.      Herbivores are chemical which process plants and use them as nourishment

D.     Foxes can be considered as carnivore
E.      Bacteria and fungi are useful to the environment


The main idea of paragraph ... is "energy is essential for life"
A.     one
B.      two
C.      three
D.     four
E.      five


Today the human population is enormous' (paragraph 6)
The underlined word means ...
A.     enough
B.      wide
C.      huge
D.     ample
E.      powerful

Bacaan untuk nomor 6 sampai dengan 10

A magazine is a periodical containing a variety of articles and general illustration of an entertaining or an instructive nature. Magazines are designed to be of interest either to the general public or groups of people with specialized subject matters. The essential difference between the magazine and the newspaper is a physical one: the magazine is smaller in size and often bound in pamphlet form.

Magazine production involves teamwork. This means that many people have to work together to produce the magazine you have in your hand. But one key person is the magazine editor. If some one has a manuscript he wants to publish, he will send or submit it to the editor of the magazine he likes. The magazine editor, usually the editor-in -chief, will read it and make recommendation so that the manuscript can be published.

Another task of a magazine editor is to consider whether the article will be part of series. Will it have photographs or illustration? will it be in full color, two or three colors, or black and white? Once the decision is made, the work of an illustrator or photographer begins. Preparing manuscripts for the magazine is hard work to do. After everything is all right, they are sent to the typesetters. When the galleys (or typeset text)

come back, they must be carefully read. This is the job of a proofreader to find out whether or not there are mistakes in typesetting. Corrections are made if there are mistakes.


What is a proofreader's Job?
A.    to check the returned galleys
B.     to accept or refuse a manuscript
C.     to send a manuscript to the typesetter
D.     to assign illustrators and photographers
E.      to decide whether an article belongs to a series


The first paragraph describes the following, EXCEPT
A.    what a magazine is
B.     whom the magazine is for
C.     how the magazine is published
D.     what the content of a magazine consists of
E.      what the difference between a magazine and an newspaper is


The function of 'so that ' in the second paragraph is to show ...
A.    purpose
B.     contrast
C.     addition
D.     sequence
E.      condition


Which of the following statement is TRUE about the magazine?
A.    Magazines are only meant for entertainment
B.     Recommendation on the manuscript is made by the proofreader

C.     The editor is the most important person in publishing magazines
D.     There is no difference in size between magazines and newspaper

E.      Illustrator can start working before their work is agreed by the editor


Who decides that a manuscript is accepted?
A.    A team
B.     The editor
C.     The illustrators
D.     The writer
E.      The proofreader

Bacaan untuk soul nomor 11 sampai dengan 15.

By experimenting with combinations of chemical, manufactures have produced a wide variety of affective dusts and sprays to control plant pets. Some, such as those containing pyrethrum, work well and do not harm the people, pets, and birds. There are others that contain stronger chemical, such as DDT, melathion, diazinon, and chlorine. These can be extremely dangerous if they are not properly used.

The first thing to do in dealing with plant pets is to seek the proper advice. Trained salesman at garden stores can supply valuable information on the correct product to use. If the problem is a complicated or stubborn one, additional advice should be obtained from government agricultural department office.


How can manufactures get various affective pesticides?

A.     By controlling plants pets
B.      By spraying stronger chemical
C.      C By producing various chemical
D.     By combining different chemical
E.      By experimenting with combination of chemical


What's the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. .Farmers should have good knowledge to fight plant pests

B.      Additional advice is needed when the problem is complicated

C.      Valuable information to control plant pest is needed by farmers
D.     Proper advice to control plant pets is provided by trained salesman

E.      Pesticides can be obtained freely in government agricultural department offices


What do farmers need to know before using pesticides?

A.     Combination of chemicals
B.      Various stronger of chemical
C.      Various effective dusts and sprays
D.     Information about harmful pesticides
E.      Information on using different sorts of pesticides


'... to seek the proper advice ' (paragraph 2) The opposite of the word "proper" is ...
A.     useful
B.      wrong
C.      correct
D.     suitable
E.      ineffective


Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
A.     Farmers have produced various effective pesticides

B.      The pesticides given by the agricultural department offices are harmful

C.      Farmers had experimented with combination of chemical before
D.     Fanners should use strong and harmful pesticides though they are difficult to get

E.      Pesticides which are harmful to living things contain more powerful chemical.

Bacaan untuk soal nomor 16 sampai dengan 20.

The sun pour plenty of energy down on the Earth, and many homes now use this energy to heat their water. It is difficult and expensive to trap solar energy on a large scale but in some sunny part of the world scientists use mirrors to reflect sunlight into a boiler on top of a tower.

This heats up water in the boiler into steam, which can then be used to turn electric generators.

Many countries now have nuclear power stations. These use a rare metal called uranium as a kind of fuel. Under certain conditions, the nucleus (center) of uranium atoms can be made of split. This is called fission. When this happen fantastic amount of energy is given out. The heat produced in a nuclear reactor is taken away by cooling liquid or gas. It goes to a boiler where it boils water to produce steam. The hot steam powers electric generators to make electricity.

One of the main drawbacks with a nuclear power station is that it produces dangerous waste. It is dangerous because it gives out radiation (rays) that can harm most living things. Nuclear engineers have to make very sure that none of the radiation escapes either from the reactor (where fission takes place) or from the waste.


Solar energy has not been popular yet because ...
A.    it requires high cost
B.     the energy produced is weak
C.     it cannot be trapped on a large scale
D.     it can be used only for heating water
E.      the scientists do not use it for commercial targets


Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A.    Using energy has advantages and disadvantages
B.     Electric generators are needed to heat up water into steam
C.     The splitting of the nucleus of uranium atoms is called fission

D.     Radiation may be emitted from reactor or from the waste produced
E.      Uranium is a kind of metal that makes nuclear power station produce fuel


In the 'top of a tower' ... turns the water in the boiler into steam.
A.    the electric generator
B.     a large scale of energy
C.     the energy from the earth
D.     a boiler on top of the tower
E.      the heat from reflected sunlight


In what condition does the radiation of a nuclear power station become dangerous?
A.    When it cannot be released
B.     When it reaches the reactor
C.     When there is a leak in the container
D.     When the container is-closed firmly
E.      When none of it escapes from the reactor


Under certain conditions, the nucleus of uranium atoms can be made split.
'split' means ...
A.     jump to the air
B.      explode loudly
C.      break into parts
D.     release suddenly
E.      launch into the air


Susan : I went to your house at 7 p.m. last night. but you weren't home. Where were you?

Rufy : Oh. I ... for a new dictionary at the bookstore then.
A.     look
B.      looked
C.      will look
D.     was looking
E.      have looked


Manager : Tom, ... take this note to the accounting department?
Tom       :  Yes, certainly.
A.     is it possible for you
B.      could you please,
C.      may! tell you
D.     should 1 ask you
E.      can I tell you to


Policeman : Your truck causes too 'much pollution. Driver : Oh. ... Officer.

Policeman : Please consult a mechanic about it. Driver : Yes, I will.
A.     Why not
B.      I'm sorry
C.      How come
D.     Congratulations
E.      Don't mention it


Ria : It's break time ... a cup of tea? Yudi : That would be very nice of you.
A.     Shall have
B.      May you get me
C.      May I offer help to get
D.     Could you help me to get
E.      Would you like me to get you


Tari : Why do you admire Mother Theresa so much? Susi : Don't you know that she was the woman
A.     that she didn't recognize me
B.      who dedicated her life to the poor
C.      whom the governor met at the party
D.     of which house was very expensive
E.      whose farmland is owned by her father


Ali : I'm afraid my parents’ rice fields were Mr. Harun damaged by the flood. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
The underlined words express ...
A.    regret
B.     refusal
C.     complaint
D.     sympathy
E.      condolence


Ridwan : When are the children going to see the rice-field?
Willy     :  In June, after the harvest time.
Ridwan : Are they? So by the time they get there, the farmers ... all the crops.
A.    will have harvested
B.     had harvested
C.     has harvested
D.     harvested
E.      harvest


Kepala Desa  :  Pak Lurah, the village will hold a
meeting on Monday, ...?
Pak Lurah      :  Thank you.
A.    If possible, you may come
B.     It will be fine for you to come
C.     It you don't mind we can come
D.     You should be pleased if you could come
E.      We would be delighted if you could come


Rito : Excuse me! ... to help you turn the radio off?

Mr. Hasnil : Yes, please. Thank you very much indeed.
A.    Is it possible for me
B.     Would you like me
C.     Can you order me
D.     Is it okay for me
E.      Can you ask me


:  'Is  man  able  to  find  an  efficient  way  to

convert the heat of the sun into energy?
:  ...  because  a  lot  of  experiments  have  been

done, and the result is quite-positive.
It's quite improbable

It's out of the question
C.     1 don't think it is possible
D.     There is always a chance
E.      There's no certainty of it


X     : What do you think of the government liquidating several banks recently?
Y     :  I'm not a customer of the liquidated banks, so ...
A.     I'm keen on it
B.      I'm aware of it
C.      I'm sure about it
D.     I'm interested in it
E.      I'm unhappy about it


Pak Hadr     :  The Usman family is poor.

Pak Kasim : We all know it. ... they can send their children to universities.
A.     Despite the fact that they are poor
B.      They are poor despite the fact
C.      However they are poor
D.     They are poor although
E.      Because they are poor


Toto    :  Science and technology has developed very
fast. Do you think we are ready for that?
Tati     :  ....
A.     Good it is interesting
B.      Why not, Just behave yourself
C.      Oh. marvelous. It great for you
D.     Frankly speaking, I disagree with you
E.      I'm not certain. The quality of our education is still low


Husband   :  Our car always troubles me.
Wife         :  Why don't you sell it and buy a new one? Husband   :   Well.  I  don't  have  any  objection  to  your idea as long as we can afford it.

In the dialogue the husband expresses ...
A.     sympathy
B.      capability
C.      agreement
D.     intolerance
E.      E   pleasure


Derry : Why do you always run around this stadium five times a day?
Soni    : I do it ...
Which of the following is not suitable to complete the dialogue?
A.     however very tired I am
B.      so that I had a healthy heart
C.      so that 1 can reduce my weight
D.     in order that my body gets stronger
E.      because I didn't want to be overweight


A    :  This is a very old building.
B     :  I wasn't even born yet when it ...
A.    is built
B.     is being built
C.     was built
D.     has been built
E.      had built


Dodi : Did many people migrate to Kalimantan themselves?

Rina : No, the government had them migrate. The underlined sentence means ...
A.    the government migrated there for them
B.     the government told them not to migrate
C.     the government migrated to Kalimantan
D.     the government didn't ask them to migrate
E.      the government asked them to migrate there


Doni : I wish I had invested my money instead of spending it on a new car.
The underlined part of the sentence means ...
A.    Doni had invested his money
B.     Doni did not invest his money
C.     Doni did not invest my money
D.     Doni does not invest his. money
E.      Doni wanted to invest his money


A     : Sorry, you are too late. The bank is already closed.

B     : Well, I ... earlier.
A.    should have come
B.     might have come
C.     would have come
D.     will have come
E.      may have come


If women in the late 1960's had been given equal rights as men, there would not have been women's liberation' movement.

The sentence means that ... at that time.
A.    women would not have equal right as men
B.     women will not have equal rights as men
C.     women have not had equal right as men
D.     women didn't have equal rights as men
E.      women do not have equal rights as men


Re-arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!
1.       First we prepared the food.
2.       While we were preparing the food, father was checking the car
3.       We went on a picnic on the beach last Saturday
4.       We had to take food and drink
5.       Next came the drink
6.       We started the trip when we had put everything in
the car

A. 3 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 6 B. 1 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 6 C. 6 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 2 D. 3 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 2 E. 3 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 6 – 2


From 1967 onward, cinemas began to lose their ...
They prefer watching TV programs at homes.
A.     sponsors
B.      audiences
C.      producers
D.     companies
E.      cameramen


Sony : What do astronomers use to see the stars? Father : They use ... which makes far away things look
larger and clearer.
A.     binoculars
B.      a telescope
C.      a periscope
D.     a stethoscope
E.      a microscope


Ria : What do you know about the compul sorry ...? Tati : I think it has been extended from six to nine
A.     study
B.      school
C.      student
D.     education
E.      examination

Bacaan untuk soal nomor 45 sampai dengan 47.

In 1949 Clarence Birdseye found a better way to breeze food quickly. It was a technology helping people to live and live better. Soon frozen food of all kinds began to (45) ... in grocery stores. Meat, vegetables, and fruits were quick -frozen. Frozen food and vegetables tasted very fresh and natural. It was (46) ... to have fresh fruits and vegetable in any (47) ...

of the year. Many people prefer natural food to food in cans. Natural food has more natural value. That's why frozen foods became so popular now.


A.    find
B.     prepare
C.     buy
D.     appear
E.      discover


A.    interesting
B.     possible
C.     extensive
D.     clear
E.      doubtful


A.    season
B.     century
C.     decade
D.     quarter
E.      age

Bacaan untuk soal nomor 48 sampai dengan 50.

Most of the people working in the banks are either bank officers or clerical workers. Bank officers, depending on their (48) ..., usually have some authority to make business (49) ... related to the bank. Bank officers might (50) ... positions such as president, vice president, and treasurer. Some, such as loan and trust officers, have specific department.


A.    rate
B.     rank
C.     order
D.     degree
E.      position


A.    decisions
B.     regulations
C.     circulations
D.     formulations
E.      compositions


A.    form
B.     cover
C.     contain
D.     include
E.      comprise 

Ujian Nasional

Tahun 2006

Bahasa Inggris

Listening section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

Part I

Questions 1 and 2

For each question, you will see five pictures in your test book and you will hear a dialogue followed by a question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.

When you hear the question, look at the pictures in your test book and choose picture that suits the statement in the dialogues. Then on the answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer. Look at the sample below.
Tape Script:

Man : Could you tell me what time the meeting will start?

Woman : The meeting will start at 2 p.m. Narrator: Which picture illustrate the statement?

Sample answer


Picture (a) illustrates the dialogue. Therefore, you should choose (a)


A.     I

B.      II
C.      III
D.      IV
E.       V


A.     I

B.      II
C.      III
D.      IV
E.       V

Part II

Questions 3 to 7 Directions:

In this part of the test, you will hear several incomplete dialogues each followed by a question. The incomplete dialogues and the questions will be spoken two times. After you hear an incomplete dialogue and the question, read the five possible answers in your test book then decide which one would be the best response to complete the dialogue.


A.     Sure I will
B.      You are welcome
C.      OK, nice to meet you
D.      That sounds interesting
E.       See you some other time


A.     Please accept my condolences
B.      I am proud of your sister
C.      You must be very upset
D.      Congratulations
E.       Not at all


A.     So do I
B.      1 had to watch TV
C.      Oh, I got upset with her
D.      That's very kind of you
E.       It was very good indeed


A.     I want to get a job
B.      Please help me
C.      It's just for fun
D.      Yes, it's all right
E.       That's OK


A.     English
B.      With pleasure
C.      School library
D.      Students and teachers
E.       Two cups of coffee, please

Part III

Questions 8 to 11 Directions:

In this part of the test, you will hear several dialogues. They will be spoken two' times. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the five possible-, answers in your test book and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you've just heard.


A.     The woman's father
B.      The woman
C.      The man's father
D.      The man
E.       The man and the woman's father


A.     Pleasure
B.      Gratitude
C.      Satisfaction
D.      Uncertainly
E.       Dissatisfaction


A.     She feels disappointed
B.      She feels guilty
C.      She hates the man
D.      She feels happy
E.       She likes the man


A.     He offers help
B.      He asks for permission
C.      He expresses sympathy
D.      He refuses the invitation
E.       He accepts the invitation

Part IV

Questions 12 to 15 Directions:

In this part of the test, you will hear some short texts. They will be spoken two times. After you hear a text and the questions about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you've heard.


A.     Dance teams
B.      A gamelan orchestra
C.      Traditional costumes
D.      A gamelan orchestra and dance teams.
E.       A gamelan orchestra and traditional costumes


A.     They are not traditional dances.
B.      They are performed in religious events.
C.      They are very similar to Balinese dances.
D.      They are performed at several ceremonies.
E.       They are less energetic than Balinese dances.


A.     Birthrate
B.      Social problems
C.      World population
D.      Population in Indonesia
E.       Family planning program


A.     It has reached not more than 200 million.
B.      It introduces the family planning program.
C.      It causes many problems.
D.      It grows very slowly.
E.       It increases rapidly.

This is the end of the listening section

Reading section

Text l

This text is for questions 16 and 17

We are announcing today that we are bringing the Milestone and Ever Green brands even closer together. Effective as of December 5, 2005, our official name will be:

The substitution of "West" in our name-replacing "California"- is the result of an agreement we reached with California Gardening Association, following a protest over the original use of "California" in our name. We hope this does not create any confusion among our loyal consumers. While this represents a change from our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of products we offer to our consumers.


Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A.     The corporate offices were protested
B.      The loyal consumers created an official name for the company.
C.      There was a conflict between Green Miles West and Milestone

D.      The quality of products will be different from the former products.

E.       The name "Green Miles West" will be effective as of December 5, 2005.


“… it does not change the quality of the products we offer ..." (Paragraph 4).

The underlined word means ...
A.     take
B.      lose erase
C.      alter
D.      erase
E.       throw

Text 2

This text is for questions number 18

1. Teenager
50 %
20 %
20 %
10 %
2. Adult
10 %
30 %
10 %
50 %
3. Children
0 %
20 %
80 %
0 %

From the table above we can conclude that... shows are mostly watched by children.
A.     quiz
B.      news
C.      talk
D.      cinema
E.       cartoon

Text 3

This text is for questions 19 to 22 University of Cambridge

Do you plan to study abroad? Don't hesitate. Welcome to Cambridge University. Cambridge University, an institution of higher education, is the second oldest university in Great Britain after the University of Oxford. It is located in the city of Cambridge.

The University of Cambridge is a system of faculties, departments, and 31 independent colleges. You know, although the colleges and the university per se are separate corporations, all are parts of an integrated educational entity. The university examines candidates for degrees during their residencies and at the conclusion of their studies. The colleges provide their students with lodgings and meals, assign tutors, and offer social, cultural, and athletic activities. Every student at the University of Cambridge is a member of a college.

Let's see its academic year. The academic year is divided into three terms of approximately eight weeks each: Michaelmas (autumn), Lent (late winter), and Easter (spring) . Students required to study under supervisor are usually members of the college's faculties who maintain close relationships with small groups of students in their charge and assist them in preparing for university exams.


The author's purpose of writing the text is ...
A.     to review a particular education system
B.      to commemorate a particular college
C.      to define a particular academic year
D.      to explain a particular way to study
E.       to describe a particular institution


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.     The academic year is held in four seasons in a year.
B.      Students in colleges are not members of the university

C.      Students must not be in their residence during the terms.

D.      The students of Cambridge University have holidays in summer.
E.       University of Oxford is younger than University of Cambridge


The second paragraph tells the readers about ...
A.     an integrated educational entity.
B.      social activities in the university.
C.      the system in Cambridge University.
D.      the examination for candidates' degrees.
E.       the criteria for the membership of the university.


"The colleges provide their students with lodgings and meals, assign tutors and offer ..." (Paragraph 2).
The underlined word means ...

A.     dormitories used for studying in groups
B.      places offered for doing some business
C.      spaces needed for discussion
D.      houses needed for taking a rest
E.       rooms rented to stay in

Text 4

This text is for questions 23 to 26

The Hen with the Silver Eggs

One day, in an Arabian city, a woman went to the market and bought a beautiful L™ A few days later to her surprise the hen she bought laid a silver egg. If the hen could only be persuaded to lay more than one egg each day, the woman was sure she would never have to work again.
So the woman decided to make the hen eat more, so that it could lay more eggs. But the only result was that the hen died of indigestion and did not lay more eggs at all.


Paragraph 3 mostly discusses about ...

A.     the hen's eggs
B.      what the woman did to her hen
C.      what the hen did for the woman
D.      what the hen eats to lay more eggs
E.       why the woman wanted to get more eggs


The hen died because it ...

A.     ate nothing
B.      ate too much
C.      laid more eggs
D.      was badly injured
E.       was forced to lay. eggs


From the text we may conclude that the woman was ...

A.     active
B.      miserly
C.      greedy
D.      furious
E.       dangerous


"If the hen could only be persuaded.... " (Paragraph 2} The underlined word means ....

A.     commanded
B.      influenced
C.      dangerous
D.      brought
E.       told

Text 5

This text is for questions 27 to 30
The polar bear is a very big white bear. We call it the polar bear because it lives inside the Arctic Circle near the North Pole. There are no polar bears at the South Pole. The polar bears live at the North Pole. There is only

snow, ice, and water. There is not any land.
These bears are three meters long, and weigh 450 kilos. They can stand up on their back legs because they have very wide feet. They can use their front legs like arms. The polar bears can swim very well. They can swim 120 kilometers out into the water. They catch fish and sea animals for food. They go into the sea when they are afraid.

People like to kill the polar bears for their beautiful white coats. The governments of Canada, the United States, and Russia say that no one can kill polar bears now. They do not want all of these beautiful animals to die.


What does the passage mainly discuss?
A.     The size of polar bears.
B.      Where polar bears live
C.      The habitat of polar bears.
D.      Why people hunt polar bears.
E.       A brief description of polar bears.


What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.     Polar bears are very big animals
B.      The polar bears are tame animals
C.      Polar bears live at the North Pole
D.      There are no polar bears at the South Pole
E.       Polar bears are hunted because of their beautiful white coats


Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about a polar bear?

A.     A polar bear weighs 450 kilos.
B.      A polar bear is three meters long.
C.      A polar bear catches fish for food.
D.      A polar bear goes into the sea when it is angry.
E.       A polar bear can swim 120 kilometers out into the water.


A polar be; goes into the sea when it is afraid. The underlined word is closest ii meaning to ...

A.     shy
B.      angry
C.      scared .
D.      furious
E.       shocked


Tia : You look so sad. What has happened to you? Mia :My mother was angry because I came home late

last night. Tia : Don't be sad.

You'd better ask for her apology and admit that you've done a mistake.

From the dialogue we know that Tia gives ... to Mia.
A.     an idea
B.      advice
C.      an opinion
D.      a surprise
E.       information


Ana : What did you buy at the grocery store yesterday?

Anto      : What did you say?
Ana : I wanted to know what you ... at the grocery store yesterday.

A.     buy
B.      would buy
C.      had to buy
D.      had bought
E.       have bought


Dito    :  Excuse me ...,?
Diah   :  Oh, of course. Here it is!

A.     Can you help me
B.      Could you do this me
C.      Could you do me a favor
D.      May I borrow your dictionary
E.       Would you mind opening the door

Mrs. Tia
Mrs. Hera
Mrs. Tia

Mia : Mother, I've got a scholarship from Monash University in Australia.

Mother : Thank God. It's really unbelievable! The underlined expression shows ...

A.     anxiety
B.      surprise
C.      pleasure
D.      uncertainty
E.       satisfaction

: What are you doing on Saturday?

: I'm going to see a new play with some students. Would you join us?

: I'd like to but I’ll take my kinds to 'Game Zone'.

The underlined utterance expresses ...
A.     A, denial
B.      refusal
C.      pleasure
D.      approval
E.       disagreement


Anisah : Mom, could I have another cookie; please? Mother : ..., but don't forget to share it with your

A.     Of course
B.      I don't know
C.      But it is so urgent
D.      Listen, don't bother her
E.       You are kidding, I can't


Andy  : What seems to be the trouble? ....?

Indy : Of course. I need your help. The file cannot be printed out.
A.     Can I help you
B.      What is your trouble
C.      Why don't you ask me
D.      Could you do me a favour
E.       Would you mind helping me


Meity : Have you finished writing the article? Novy : Not yet. But I ... writing it by next month.
A.     finish
B.      would finish
C.      have finished
D.      will have finished
E.       should have finished


Roby : We will have a party for my sister's birthday next Sunday. Would you like to come. Ira?

Ira : I'd love to. It must be a wonderful party. The underlined expression is used to express ...
A.     advice
B.      intention
C.      C invitation
D.      satisfaction
E.       suggestion


Andi : It seems that you enjoy listening to 'dangdut' music.

Agus   : You're right ...
A.     I dislike it.
B.      It makes me sick.
C.      I hate 'dangdut'.
D.      I am annoyed with it.
E.       I like 'dangdut' very much.


Ardi : As you know our economic condition is unstable. Do you think our government can solve this problem soon?
Badri : I think it is very unlikely. It seems that everything is worsening.

From the underlined words we know that it is ... for the government to improve the economic condition in the near future.
A.     agreeable
B.      improbable
C.      uncertain
D.      predictable
E.       beneficial


Willy : This cake is very delicious. Did you make it yourself?

Betty   : Since I was busy, I had it made.
From the underlined utterance we know that Betty ...
the cake

A.     made
B.      has made
C.      had made
D.      asked Willy to make
E.       ordered someone to make


Yudi   : You look tired. Lack of sleep?

Nazar : Yes. I wish I had gone to bed earlier, but I couldn't.

From the underlined sentence we conclude that Nazar...

A.     went to bed late
B.      went to bed early
C.      had enough sleep
D.      had too much sleep
E.       had gone to bed early


Sue : I know you got a bad mark for the English test. What's wrong with you?

Chris: If I ... dial there was a test, I would have prepared for it well,

A.     know
B.      knew
C.      had known
D.      have known
E.       would know


Brenda : The road is too busy and the vehicles are running so fast.

Auntie   : ...
A.     Mind your step
B.      Beware of pick pockets
C.      Take care of the vehicles
D.      Whatever you do, do it carefully
E.       Be careful when crossing the road


Tsunamis wash ashore often with disastrous effect such as severe flooding, loss of lives due to drowning and damage to property.
The synonym of the underlined word is ...
A.     destructive
B.      suspicious
C.      sufficient
D.      harmless
E.       ultimate


Some drugs taken in large quantities cause permanent brain damage.
The opposite of the underlined word is ...

A.     lasting
B.      forever
C.      restricted
D.      unlimited
E.       temporary


"It's 12 now. The workers will be dismissed for lunch." The antonym of the underlined word is ...

A.     gathered
B.      rejected
C.      admitted
D.      executed
E.       terminated


His dry cleaning business is flourishing; he has opened two more branches this year. The underlined word means to be ...
A.     luxurious
B.      plentiful
C.      beneficial
D.      productive
E.       successful


A tsunami is a very large sea wave that is ... by a disturbance along the ocean-1 floor.

A.     composed
B.      mobilized
C.      generated
D.      influenced
E.       appreciated 

Ujian Nasional

Tahun 2000

Bahasa Inggris

Wacana 1 untuk soal nomor 1 sampai dengan nomor 4
Lake Toba, which is situated in the center of the Bukit Barisan mountain range, is an interesting mountain resort with Samosir Island in the center of the lake. It boats many modern hotels and facilities for water sport such as boating, water skiing and swimming.
In West Sumatra, the center of culture and tourism is Bukit tinggi, situated in the highlands north of the provincial capital of Padang. West Sumatra is a land of scenic beauty with green lakes, and blue mountains.

Java has a great number of attractions, including the world renowned Botanic Garden in Bogor, the wildlife reserve of Ujung Kulon on the south west part of the island. Borobudur, a gigantic Buddhist shrine is situated 42 kilometers northwest of Yogyakarta and the Ijen crater lies in East Java and displays hot springs, waterfalls and free roaming deer as well as a sulphur crater. A three-hour drive from Surabaya, and the a pony ride from the village of Ngadisari over the sea will take you to mount Bromo which is an active volcano with sulphur fumes and smoke still emitting from its depths. The inhabitants of the surrounding areas believe in the God of Bromo and bring offerings to his deity.

Bali is different from the rest of Indonesia because of its unique form of Hinduism called "Hindu Dharma." Religion is at the main source of traditional custom in family and community life. The soul of a Balinese if religion and it finds its expression in art. Many articles and books have been written on Bali.


What natural beauty does West Sumatra have?

A.     Active volcanoes
B.      Water sport
C.      Modern hotels
D.      Mountains resort
E.       Green lakes and blue mountains


Which of the following attractions is not found in at the surroundings of the Ijen crater?

A.     Hot springs
B.      Waterfalls
C.      A sea of sand ,
D.      A sulphur crater
E.       Free-roaming deer


Borobudur, a gigantic Buddhist shine is situate 42 kilometers northwest of Yogyakarta.

The underlined word means ...

A.     nice
B.      huge
C.      tall
D.      large
E.       wonderful


How many tourist resorts are mentioned in the third paragraph?

A.     three
B.      four
C.      fie
D.      six
E.       seven


Pinta's mother is a … She teaches students at the Gajah Mada University.

A.     teacher
B.      director
C.      lecturer
D.      registrar
E.       headmistress


You'd better put on your ... when you go out, it's very cold outside.

A.     vest
B.      scarf
C.      tuxedo
D.      sweater
E.       raincoat


Newspapers have on basic purpose, that is to get ... as quickly as possible from reliable sources to readers.

A.     news
B.      report
C.      statement
D.      advertisement
E.       announcement


Marlin : Christ, where are you staying? Christ : At Sahid Hotel
Marlin asked Christ ...

A.     where he stays
B.      where he was staying
C.      where did he stay
D.      where does he stay
E.       where had he stayed


It's 9 p.m. Nancy is going to bed, so she says to the …

A.     Bye-bye
B.      Good-bye
C.      Good night
D.      See you soon
E.       Good evening


Yunus : Dedi, let's spend this week-end for fishing. I have found a good spot.

Dedi   :  I am sorry, I hate fishing.
From the above sentence, Dedi shows his ... for fishing

A.     disagreement
B.      dislike
C.      disappointment
D.      dissatisfaction
E.       discontentment


Student : I've finished the test. Here you are, sir! Teacher : Good. You ...

A.     can't stay here
B.      will leave the room
C.      can't tell anything
D.      may leave the classroom
E.       must say thank you

Wacana 2 untuk soal nomor 12 sampai nomor 15.

A natural disaster is a terrible accident, e.g. a great flood, a big fire or an earthquake. It usually causes great suffering and loss of a large sum of money. The causalities are injured or died. Some people are homeless and need medical care.

Floods occur when the water of rivers, lakes, or streams overflow their banks and pour out into the surrounding land. Floods are caused by many different thins. Often heave rainstorms that last for a brief time can cause a flood. But not all heave storms are followed by flooding. If the surrounding lands is flat and can absorb the water, no flooding will occur. If. however, the lands is hard and rocky heavy rain cannot be absorbed. Where the banks are low, a river may overflow and flood adjacent lowland.

in many parts of the world floods are caused by tropical storms called hurricanes of typhoons. The bring destructive winds of high speed torrents of rain, and flooding. When a flood occurs, the destruction to the surrounding land can be severe. Whole villages and towns are sometimes-swept away bay water pouring swiftly over the land. Railroad tracks buckles and are uprooted from their beds. Highways are washed away.

When a building caught fire, the firemen pitched in to help battle the blaze. Before the pumps were invented, people formed bucket brigades to fight fires. Standing side by side, they formed a human chain from the fire to nearby well or river. They passed buckets of water from hand to hand to be poured on the flames.
The damage of fire did depend a great deal on were it happened. In at the country or a small village, only a single house might burn down. But in crowded cities, fire often destroyed whole blocks and neighbourhoods before being controlled.


When is flood more likely to happen?

A.     regret
B.      caution
C.      admiration
D.      permission
E.       prohibition


A.     rain
B.      storm
C.      hurricane
D.      flood
E.       earthquake


Why do hurricanes of typhoons usually cause great destruction? Because they ...
A.     bring destructive winds and torrential rains
B.      are heave enough to cause flood
C.      are heave storms
D.      are hard winds
E.       are tropical storms


Modern fire brigades use ... to fight fire.
A.     buckets of water
B.      spraying sand
C.      human chain
D.      fire pump
E.       fire arm


This proposal was turned down by the Personnel Manager.
The synonym of turned down is ...

A.     received
B.      rejected
C.      returned
D.      agreed
E.       taken


An officer in a diplomatic mission whose duty is to care for the commercial interests of his country is called an/a ...
A.     envoy
B.      consul
C.      attach
D.      diplomat
E.       ambassador


If you want to have your hair cut, why don't you go to him?
He is a famous ... in the city.

A.     therapist
B.      beautician
C.      manicurist
D.      barber
E.       tailor


Affandi is one of the famous ... in Indonesia, We really admire his works.

A.     poets
B.      actors
C.      artists
D.      players
E.       painters


Lita : Fit, which do you like better, singing or dancing?

Fitria   :  Well, I'd ... than dance.

A.     better sing
B.      gave sung
C.      prefer singing
D.      rather singing
E.       rather sing


Ruri :  Do you know my cousin Bob?
Ari : Sure, I haven't heard about him for a long time. Ruri : He will get married next Sunday ...

Ari   :  No, I'm not.
A.     Can I see you at the wedding part?
B.      Will you be attending his party?
C.      Do you feel like, going to his party?
D.      Are you also invited?
E.       Do you mind going to the wedding with me?


Passenger : Is it allowed to bring a bird on the plane?

Custom officer : I am sorry, that's not allowed The underlined utterance expresses ...
A.     regret
B.      caution
C.      admiration
D.      permission
E.       prohobition


Bill : Have you considered my offer to work for our company?

George : Yes, 1 have, but I'd take the hob if the salary suited me.

From the dialogue we may conclude that George ...
A.     has accepted the job
B.      has worked for the company
C.      has not yet considered taking a job
D.      has refused to take the job
E.       has not heard about the job


Mr. Bronto leaves Surabaya for Medan by G1A 707 at 9 a.m.

By 11 a.m the ... there.
A.     arrive
B.      arrived
C.      was arriving
D.      will arrive
E.       will have arrived

Wacana 3 untuk-soal nomor 25 sampai dengan nomor 28.
Nobody likes paying taxes. Even those who know that taxation is necessary and just are reluctant to pay taxes. It is not pleasant to see part of your monthly income taken away from you in income tax. Ignorant people think this is an injustice and make a grievance of it; so it is just as well that we should know why we are taxed, so that we can see the fairness of the system.

Every country must have a government of some sot. or life would be impossible. The primary duties of a government are to ‘protect the life an property of the citizens, to maintain law and order and settle dispute between citizens in a just and orderly way through the law-courts, to defend the country from foreign foes, and to maintain the roads and highways. Besides, may governments maintain and direct public duties need money: an army and navy have to. be kept up, the police force and the judges have to be paid, schools have to be provided and teachers supported, expert health-officers and sanitary engineers have to be employed. Now where is all the money needed for the public service to come from? The question in answered by another. For whose benefit are all these service maintained? The answer is, for the benefits of the public. It is the people as a whole, rich and poor, that benefit by security of live and property, by the sound administration of justice, by the maintenance of roads, by the public hospital, public schools, and good sanitation. Therefore it is only right that the public, the individual citizens of the country should contribute the money needed; for the money the give comes back to them in the shape of these public benefits which all enjoy.

So long, therefore, as we have a good and efficient government, so long as our money, is being used in the right way, and so long as the burden of taxation is distributed fairly, as different classes can bear it, we have no right to grumble at having to pay our share of the taxes. ?


Which one of these titles is the most suitable for the text above?
A.     Objections to Taxes
B.      Why citizens are Taxed
C.      The Burden of Taxation
D.      Taxation is a Necessity
E.       Income Taxes


The topic of paragraph 2 is ...
A.     the reasons of taxation
B.      the right of citizens
C.      the expenses of public duties
D.      the duties of a government
E.       the types of public services


Why do the people have to pay incomes tax? Because ...

A.     they have to pay tax for the things they need
B.      they have to pay tax whether they are rich of poor
C.      the tax is heeded to carry out the government's public duties
D.      they have to pay tax or the things they but or sell
E.       they have to pay tax for the government benefit


According to the text the following statements are true, except ...

A.     Everyone knows that taxation is necessary.
B.      The public must bear their shares of public expense.

C.      It is the government's duty to provide hospitals for the sick.
D.      The same amount of income tax is imposed on the rich and the poor.

E.       The taxpayers enjoy public services provided by. the government.


Journalist : some of our forests in Kalimantan and Sumatra were destroyed in the forest . fire.

Official : It's a pity. The destruction of the rainforest could also bring about the extinction of orang utan!
The underlined word means ...
A.     act of putting out
B.      act of preserving
C.      no longer in existence
D.      prevention of loss
E.       keep something for special purpose

Wacana 4 untuk soal nomor 30 sampai nomor 34

JAKARTA - When the government announced the liquidation of 16 banks last Saturday, many people are surprised as they did not expect their bank to be on the list. Others were still trying to come to terms with the fact that they had lost their jobs.

"I heard .on the radio that 16 banks were liquidated, that's why I came there, to check whether I could still withdraw may money," said Prapto, who claimed to have a deposit hi one of the liquidated banks on Jl, Thamrin. But he said he couldn't get it as it was Saturday and most banks do not open then.
The headquarters of some of the liquidated banks, such as Bank Pacific and Bank Industry look calm, with only a few people coming and going Several people called the 'Observer' last Saturday afternoon to find out which banks had been liquidated.

I Nyoman Moena, a noted banking analyst told the 'Observer' it is a normal reaction for people to panic when hearing such things, but, he said, the government must certainly have anticipated the situation. "I think the monetary authority must have been prepared this time, after the announcement of the liquidation of Bank Summa in 1992," Moena said referring to the guarantee by the government to pas depositors in two weeks on November, 13, 1977 and the naming of-the will handle the pay outs.

When announcing the liquidations last Saturday, Bank Indonesia assured depositors they would get their money back. Those who had less than Rp 20 million would t get all their money on November 13, while those who had over Rp 20 million would get up to Rp 20 million in the first stage with the remainder being paid later.

The President Director of Bank IFI Harry Rachmadi said yesterday that the liquidation of sixteen banks would certainly have an impact in the community, as some people may lose their jobs; To minimize the impact of the liquidations, it is important to accelerate the process. Rachmadi said that the decision could also be a 'sock therapy for Indonesian banks. "Bank owners can no longer, do as they want when operating their own banks," he said. He also said that some members of the public should have anticipated this, as the press had earlier reported the likely liquidation of some ailing banks following the currency turmoil that hit the country in July this year.


The article is about ...
A.     liquidation of 16 banks .
B.      a shock therapy for banks
C.      people's reaction about liquidated banks
D.      the loss of money deposited in the liquidated banks
E.       the impact of liquidated bank on the employees


The main idea of paragraph 4 is ...

A.     some banks are assigned to handle the pay outs
B.      the governments has anticipated the people's reaction

C.      the government guarantees to pay depositors by certain banks

D.      Bank Summa was liquidated in 1992
E.       I Nyoman Moena is a noted banking analyst


Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the text?

A. The headquarters of the liquidated banks were crowded with people.

B.      Bank summa was one of the banks liquidated last Saturday.

C.      The liquidated could he a shock therapy for Indonesian banks.

D.      Harry Rachmadi said that there will be no impact of liquidation in the community.
E.       The liquidated said that do not guarantee that the depositors can get back their deposits.


The pay out will be given to depositors in stages. This idea is stated in paragraph ...

A.   1
B.   3

C.   4
D.   5
E.   6


"..., that's why I came here to check whether I could still with draw may money, ..." (paragraph 2)

The underlined word means ...

A.     takeout
B.      make known
C.      giveaway
D.      put back
E.       make certain

Wacana 5 untuk soal nomor 35 sampai dengan nomor 38

MANILA (AFP): The Philippines has the most number of endemic bird species which are in danger of extinction, according to a nation wide wildlife report obtained here yesterday.

"The Philippine Red Data book', written by the Wildlife Conservation Society of the Philippines, noted that the country has 40 endangered bird species more than any other country.
This includes the Cebu flower-pecker of which only four are known to still be alive, making it the most endangered bird in the world, the 'Red Data Book" said.

An endangered species is defined as one hat has a 20 percent chance of becoming extinct in 20 years.

The 'Data Book' said the threat of extinction was due to the growing destruction of the forests which are the habitats of the birds and other wild animals, many of which are similarly endangered.


The text is about ...

A.     the 'Philippine Red Data Book' on animals
B.      the Wildlife Conservation Society in the Philippines

C.      the number of endemic bird species still available
D.      the endangered habitats of birds in the Philippines
E.       a report about the extinction of he most endangered birds.


According to the 'Red Data Book', some birds and wild animals area in danger of extinction because people ...

A.     hunt them for sports
B.      keep destroying forests
C.      more their habitats
D.      change forests into their habitats
E.       catch them to be domesticated


Endangered species are ...

A.     the forty percent of bird species in the world
B.      all wild animals except the Cebu flower-pecker
C.      birds which now remains twenty percent
D.      the endemic bird species kept in- captivity
E.       catch them to be domesticated


"...the threat of extinction was due to ..."(paragraph 5) The word 'threat" means ...

A.     notice
B.      warning
C.      danger
D.      statement
E.       announcement


Rita : The Kasepuhans, a community living in and around the Gunung Halimun national park still practice a traditional way of planting rice.
Kity : For example?
Rita : They only grow local rice varieties, only plant once a year, and reject the use of pesticide.
'reject' means ...

A.     deny
B.      omit
C.      refuse
D.      prevent
E.       ignore


Tourist : Would you tell us where we can get handi-craft for souvenirs?

Guide : Well, let's go to Pucang; it is very popular with its handicraft. Almost all the people there make their living by ... things from the horns of buffaloes or cows.
A.     making
B.      taking
C.      drawing
D.      painting
E.       cutting


Mother : When the price of petrol rises, the price of all basic commodities follows to rise. It always happens like this.
Father : ... that our income will be sufficient if there is no increase in our salary.
A.     1 am sure
B.      It's certain
C.      1 am pleased
D.      It's possible
E.       I doubt


X     : Although this is the best cinema in town, there are not many people visiting it.

Y      :  ...,  nowadays  most  people  prefer  spending  their

time at home watching TV.

A.     A, Oh, no
B.      I don't think so
C.      Really?
D.      That's right
E.       It's not true


X     : Has she already got some medicine?
Y      : If she had visited the doctor, she would have . been given medicine.
From the dialogue above we know that ...

A.     the doctor visited her and gave her medicine
B.      she visited the doctor, so she was given medicine
C.      she didn't visit the doctor, so she wasn't given medicine

D.      although she didn't visit the doctor, she was give medicine

E.       she didn't visit the doctor because the doctor had already given her medicine


Burhan : The river is very dirty. People shouldn't have throw household rubbish into the river.

Fikri : That's exactly what I think. From the dialogue above we know ...
A.     Fikri disagrees wit Burhan's opinion
B.      Burhan thinks exactly the same way
C.      waste material has not been collected
D.      people polluted the river with rubbish
E.       Burhan warned people not to throw rubbish in the river


Ricky  : You look happy with your new job here

Nelly  : You're right. My family and I are happier here,
... my salary is smaller than before.
A.     in spite of
B.      although
C.      because
D.      since
E.       when


A     : Do you know the woman speaking with the professor?
B      : Yes, she is our new lecturer ...
A.     which also can speak English well
B.      with whom she will help the professor
C.      whose her daughter is a famous surgeon in this town
D.      who is also an assistant of the minister of woman affairs

E.       whom also working as a consultant in a foreign company


Dika   :  Can I borrow you laptop?

Ditya : Certainly, but what's wrong with yours? Dika : It ... now
A.     is being repaired
B.      repaired
C.      is repairing
D.      has repaired
E.       is going to repair


Mrs. Hilman : I like your garden. It is well maintained Do you still have time to tidy it?

Mrs. Anton    :  of course not ... twice a-week
A.     I always tidy it myself
B.      I have tidied it
C.      I have to tidy it
D.      I have it tidied
E.       I ask somebody to tidy it


A     : More and more people have died as the victims of war.

B      :  That's  terrible.  I  wish  we were  living  in a  world

with no war or dispute between countries.

The underlined sentence means ...
A.     we are living in a peaceful world
B.      we were jiving in a peaceful world
C.      we are not living in a peaceful world
D.      we were not living in a peaceful world
E.       we will live in a peaceful world


X     : Do you think that the monetary crisis will console to an end?
Y      : ..., this condition won't be back to normal within more or two years.

A.     1 am fed up with the news
B.      I am sorry to hear that
C.      It would be agreeable
D.      It's not my business
E.       It's very unlikely

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